SB Labs

Time for some words of gratitude

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Well @Poppy I can be easily unhumble,cocky ignorant but that also comes with a dark cloud and my wife says I ruin everything(somewhat jokingly) so I’m tryin not to be like that as much so thanks
And on a fuckin disappointing note, took a ride to the farm last night, well it’s not quite the same,new barn, new horses,new owners, so much for that… I’m gonna search for another one that does similar things.
Edited my stupid post, thanks for noticing.
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I have volunteered at the local special olympics before and at our local soup kitchen. There’s plenty of folks that need you brother.
Yeah @Kad1 suggested soupkitchen, but I’d rather find something specifically for kids with needs, and outdoors stuff…
Thanks @Bigmurph, if we were friends and loved close, I’d have your back in a heart beat buddy, been talking to you for years now and I enjoy every part of it, and this place.
Brother I believe that you do have my back I wouldn’t even question if you would be there for me and you have been over the years.
The post about Sharing with my bro in law,is edit worthy,ok I’ll edit it,but if it’s the first time you noticed me saying that your slacking brother, I’ve talked about sharing with them a number of times,no more.
I usually edit it out and you sometimes notice. Its your security im worried about if you want to share that no problem.
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