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Time for some words of gratitude

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I thought when I originally read it that he had some type of implant.
I agree that kids shouldn’t be on devices 24/7 either but with him being autistic it might actually be better for him to be focused. Im definitely not an expert I wish them only the best.
If I read that kids like this are getting picked on that makes me want to go beat up some parents who don’t know how to teach their kids that everyone is different.
Im not a parent you actually surprised me because I didn’t know that kids as young as 4 had devices that they can use, is it connected to the internet or just full of games? I honestly wasn’t sure what age kids did start using devices nowadays.
he was using an i pad before he could talk and yup internet and games and parents do not monitor i know that it helps autistic kids focus bit im not sire it isn’t what caused it i didn’t let my boy touch anything like that until this year we got him a switch so he could play Mario but i set a timer with my phone and it cuts off after 15 min 2 twice a day he is allowed unless im there with him no internet I can see what he has done as well. I never thought I would say this but video games are bad for kids. It changed him so fast had to take it away and discipline him after repeated offenses for misbehaving stemming from video games and this is g rated they need to be monitored and guided to understand. He has an eye problem because the screen was always two inches from his face too pisses me off he is a good kid smart loving and society is going to destroy him over it
Baby girl has an ipad that wifey has set up with age appropriate viewing…password protected.

With that being said… we limit her electronics to include tv with extreme prejudice.

Ipad is at the most 30 mins a day…after reading playing outside etc. on a nasty rainy weekend day, she may get it for an hour but thats it.
Wow brother its so true video games and even G rating supposedly which in my opinion alot of these companies pay for because ive seen some G rated stuff and been surprised.

You bring up the eye issues definitely even I have eye issues now and I had better than perfect vision but I believe staring at a screen definitely ruined my eyes and it happened in a short period of time. Its crazy everyone is going to be blind from staring at screens.
I like your parenting style brother.
Don’t even get me started on tv nick jr and Disney JR both had black history the riots gay pride and election commercials. I’m not racist or against people doing what they want. But the commercials were biased towards one way of thinking not to mention what does my 3 yr old need to see that for he is three he needs to think about playing and they need to let me worry bout teaching him respect life choices and right and wrong. No place for anything political or racial or sexist period
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by kids using devices young I don’t know I guess I still believed that kids got devices when they would get there first cell phone but nowadays I guess it is the norm technology is everywhere and everything.
I gotta catch up with the times.
Outlawthing said:
tv nick jr and Disney JR both had black history the riots gay pride and election commercials.
Black history is completely appropriate but riots, sexual orientation and elections have nothing to do with children that age they should be fined by the fcc for showing inappropriate things to children.
Every student including kindergarten got issued ipads. She gets some of her reading assignments on it.
Yeah i was a little surprised myself. That’s the age we live in…and our tax dollars.

Honestly she could really live without it at this age. She gets little readers sent home also. Other than virtual learning, she really doesn’t need it.
I believe that if I was a kid again I would probably have dropped out of school because of covid and virtual learning. I applaud all students I had enough trouble one on one with teachers in school the remote learning I would have completely drifted away.

So I guess they keep the ipad until they graduate or do they turn it in like books?
I really don’t know. For some reason i believe in our county they turn it in at the end of school year and get a different one every year. That’s just a guess. I will find out in a couple of months.
You can’t totally keep them from it because they would be behind the technology all the other kids would be like I got this and to clarify it wasn’t the black history that done it. I just do t feel like a kid should have to decide anything of that nature period it was the John ossoff and Biden commercials guess it sounds worse when you read it. I know how I feel but people don’t and words can be twisted trump commercials would have pissed me off too they want to brain wash them as early as possible but they don’t do books anymore
Completely true

It did sound bad the way it read but I didn’t believe that was what you meant so I wanted to say that there’s nothing wrong with the black history its just the bombarding of information at children to influence them the way that “they” want everyone to be

They is the government by the way lol
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Wow I almost hit spam on this …good to hear my guy I volunteered coached for 16 years …from t ball to baby Ruth…Basketball, as well as soccer…the blessing was when I started running into these gentlemen of it became older they would seek me out and ask me if I want to go grab a drink with them what tell me what’s going on in their lies and all the opportunities they come into some of them have received scholarship others have came back to just call me that they have no children is still going to school things I never thought would impact with you good for you bro I don’t want to get deep into it but that’s great
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