SB Labs

Time for some words of gratitude

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I know where your coming from @Bigmurph hopefully it’s less people cause of the covid. And it’s just us,wife kid me, this will be our 5th year consecutive going.Also it would be considered Exposure Therapy, which apparently is a good thing, ask any therapist
Just check out the other hot soccer moms and teachers.

I pick baby girl up at school and chat up all the teachers. Wifey goes with me occasionally and all the young teachers are going hey poppy… of course when wifey is looking at me… the only thing i can say is everyone knows poppy. Honey you bought me a front license plate that says poppy. Hahaha
Its true exposure therapy ive been told I try your probably right I didn’t even think about that people won’t go still probably because of covid you guys might have a nice area to yourselves honestly that would be chill. The place sounds amazing sounds like a cruise ship but super-sized. I can’t wait until you tell us how great it was brother
Here’s an option for you and the fam. Volunteer at a local shelter or soup kitchens. Not sure where you are living if they have those but I’m in a big city and they always need help. The plus side to that is along with helping some great people you get to teach your kid how fortunate they are and how to treat people with kindness. Most kids now a days are spoiled lazy, my 2 are no exception. Shows them that there is a human being behind the dirty clothes and long hair and that person deserves to be treat with respect. Just my stupid view on it. Happy to hear you are doing well bud
Thanks for the input @Kad1 but I’m sticking with the farm and kids with autism,don’t live in the city anyways,although I’m sure I can find what your talking about. I want to participate and my family in a more outdoors environment
They gave him a phone or i pad at all times to keep him from crying or having to deal with him he has an eye issue too and i cant help but think thats what done it my son has just been allowed to use them he will be 4 on 4/20 haha funny i know 4/20
I agree i try to show my son that everyone is not as fortunate to have parents or nice things i grew up very poor with dysfunctional home my wife has a very close family and had always had lots of nice things i do spoil my son and am proud too give him the things i never had but i also had a hard time showing him how to share and give but he is learning and he understands… sometimes its a work in progress i like the idea to let him see the other side and show compassion. The best place to do the lords work is with the lost souls not the churches I believe. There is a homeless guy i help all the time he is happy as he can be he is free but i have seen him sleep in the snow on concrete i give him stuff all the time (not money ) he brings me food hard to eat it cause i dont know where the hell it came from serious guys it fuqkn hard
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