SB Labs

Train on empty stomach

Im 266lbs at 6% i have no problems putting on muscle training on empty stomach and bet i can destroy just about anyone in the gym after 20+ years i know what it takes. I rack pulled 700 for a single on empty stomach and 660x3. I got videos here on site to prove it. Your body is amazing at doing shit that you might not think you are capable of doing. Dont ever limit your success by doubtful thinking. The mind is more powerful than any of our muscles
I am not ever gonna be your size or weight and I’m ok with that, but I know myself enough to know I don’t function well on a empty stomach
I actually was jus reading up on carbs n glycogen cause I been feeling bloated lately and it’s not from gear, I am sure of that, but I been cramming in carbs so I’m gonna cut them back a bit
Haha I feel ya man, I get that same way if I eat too many, also my body digests simple carbs way better. White rice, white potato etc…
Simple carbs are SUGARS. Rice and potatoes are actually complex carbohydrates. Not shouting you out swole88. Just making sure to correct any confusion.
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Nothing worse than starving yourself and then trying to control the temper. You talk about irritable… I hit mach3 in 3.2 seconds. 😉
They actually aren’t complex carbs, they are refined carbs which means the wheat has been striped out of them. Sweet potatoes and brown rice and veggies are complex. I promise I minored in nutrition.

But yes, technically they are not a simple carb either. Simple carbs are broken down quickly for energy. Fruit, milk …
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Nice work buddy. You are a pure beast and your words ring true. We do underestimate our own abilities a lot of the time but we also have to remember each of us are at different stages. I have found it a lot easier to meet someone where they are at instead of try and convince them to join me where I am at.

I can finger pull a 3.5lb trigger on an empty stomach and drop an elk at 600+yds on a windy day. My freezers full and my belly is happy. He weighed 820lbs and was way less than 6%BF. 😉
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Awe… thank you for correcting me. Greatly appreciate it. My information and knowledge must be inaccurate.

How do you strip the wheat out of rice or potatoes? 😉
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Haha to be honest I can remember, I will look that one up for you! I added to my answer also. Because technically you are correct they aren’t simple carbs.
Quick little write up I found. It doesn’t really tell you how it’s done though.

“White rice, the individual grains are further stripped, the bran and germ and also removed, and the grains are polished to be white and smooth. The complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroys 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the vitamin B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, 60% of the iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids. Fully milled and polished white rice is required to be “enriched” with vitamins B1, B3 and iron.”
Thanks Swole88. We are literally eating ourselves to death… overfed and undernourished. This post just verifies my commitment to avoid processed foods as much as possible.
I know my point was dont knock it until you try it my man never know what will work well if you are too caught up in your mindset to ever try something new or diff!