SB Labs

Train on empty stomach

A jarhead and a comedian, never had elk, but eat venison like it’s going out of style, I killed six this past season and still got most of a full one in the freezer to last til the fall
@John Laughter makes the day go by much smoother. I enjoy venison also but my favorite is by far moose and elk is a very close second. I caught your fishing pics… love it!

Grow it, catch it, kill it… eat it!
Your right, and I definetly need to smile and laugh more throughout the day, I really hav a decent life and yet I have a bad attitude a lot of the time… yes grow it catch it kill it is a great motto!!
Yeah i bet brotha never can have enough of a good thing especially when its free from nature! Im not a hunter just cant kill animals regardless for food or not. I think id have an easier time hunting people since most fkn suck and deserve a bullet!!
@John it is all about our perception. What one person perceives as a bad situation another might perceive as a learning experience. Circumstances may not change but each of us can control our perception in every situation.

Stay strong @John and make the most of what your given. Don’t be over hard on yourself but continue to challenge yourself. Live your life like you train… Balls to the wall, full throttle. 😉

Gains are measured by how much you are willing to give away for the benefits of others.
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Thanks brother, that’s a lot of solid advice, and it means more to me coming from another marine.
I made the woman cry today cause, I kinda snapped on her, and sad to say it was a reality check I needed.
@John Lesson learned Devil Dog… Those who have lived an honorable life have no fear of death. Those who are dishonoreable and have no fear of death have never seen the green eyes and black rifle of a US Marine!
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i do it often…i just take a prework out and once i start feeling the prickly skin away i go!..i have pretty good work outs …but i find though that i can go longer and stronger if i ate something along with the prevwork out…

but strangely though i would be hungry before a work out and then i still dont eat but as i am working out…the hunger completelybgoes away it happens all the time. i never understood that 🤣🤣
@John one word… Science. 😉

You body has a circadian rhythm and that rhythm has two phases… burn energy and store energy. It is exactly like a rechargeable battery and can effectively switch to stored energy in the absence of an external energy source without compromising performance.
well i figure it works where your body always has what is called reserves…fat storeage…people develop eating cycles individually…some people have trained them selves to eat once a day and they function awesomely…some train themselves to get 3 meals in and some 8 small meals so it becomes a habbit and the brain is trained to send those signals at those time that u are hungry…and some people like me…have no eating schedule so i can go all day especially in the mode of fasting or calories restriction…often my first meal wont be till after 2 pm sometime in the afternoon when i have been up since 8 am and i get in the mode on random days if i am off work…not to eat till after fasted cardio…so i will puts arouns all day…and procrastinate…and before u know it its 3 30 pm and i am just getting to fasted cardio…etc… but ofcourse i can do that because i have plenty reserve i need to deplete 🤣🤣🤣🤣… so the body the turns to stored fat to use as fuel…now if u ha e 3% body fat…not recommended less u are on some serious stuff 🤣🤣
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I have learned as much from you as you have from me.

Learning where and how the body stores energy is one of the topics that I have put a lot of effort in. i.e… Body fat provides approximately 30K-100K cals. of stored energy for a normal weight person, muscle glycogen 1.4K-2K, and the liver 400. Then there is also muscle and tissue but we don’t like going there because that is a catabolic state and most of us are looking to avoid that.
A solid method combined with time and consistency will provide you with the results your are looking for.

We spend years consistently gaining that body fat… showing the same patience and determination to get rid of it is my advice. 😉
yes very true…not like i was swole and ripped the day before and woke up this morning a spawn of the Beluga whale 🤣🤣🤣 def solid advice and yes this advice will does calm my hyper…soon enough … you are right for sure.