Must not remember. Guess you’re scared tompost them up that’s ok @SemperFi not everyone can back up their talk and where do you look for board shorts? Kids section? I find Hurley all day long that fit me and I know bigger guys than me that wear then lol
You guys are a fkn riot!! Love the banter!! @PHD your quads look like they belong on a horse bro fkn awesome!! I love John Meadows im actually doing his Pain and Suffering program right now im in week 8! Fkn guy has an amazing way of programming exercises to destroy each bodypart! So i totally agree with you on having a set plan of attack to totally smoke your bodypart of the day
Hahahahaha @SemperFi why you sending me a pic of those twigs post them up herenfor all to see damn talk about a chicken. What does height have anything to do with your deck of card legs lol.
Ok well if your too chicken to post in a recent thread that’s ok. It was fun but ya big boys got to get back to work. Oh I sent you a new deck of cards to play with
That , one legged and the best is that 90degree…calve press with the adjustable seat. Hammer or precor… Put the heels high. I did the tibial. Front "calves since Parrillo…anyone remember john Parrillo?. The " squat hole"
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