Training Log: Bodybuilding with IBS

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@Bigmurph said you all are partial to a good training log so I figure this would be a good place to post my training and daily dieting practices. This log will perhaps be a bit boring at first since I’m not running anything aside from my doctor prescribed TRT dose. That protocol is fairly standard; 140 mgs of Testosterone Cypionate a week (two injections per week @ 70mgs), 250 IUs HCG 2x a week, and Anastrozole when needed. I was planning on running Primobolan and Anavar for a cutting/lean gain cycle (currently @ 9-11% fat), but due to some health concerns I’ve put that on the back burner.

This is perhaps where things may be of interest. Unfortunately, I deal with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and also recently had the pleasant diagnosis of a prostatitis (PSA was 0.5 which is low). With both of these flaring at the same time it makes things unpleasant at the gym and my diet has to be even more restrictive and controlled than normal. It’s not easy to train when you feel like your insides are going to explode…

I suppose this will be a health/wellness log more than a legitimate cycle-log; perhaps at some point, it could morph into that. If I can get past this rough spot and still maintain my current physique, I’ll try a cycle again at a later date. For now, I’ll post my daily workouts and keep track of diet in case anyone else here deals with similar issues.
Even a trt log is great because we have thousands reading posts. So knowledge is getting out and if you start a blast its a great addition

With ibs is going to be hard with the prostate harder be careful with the prostate gear does effect the prostate and definitely no peptides or hgh it will make cancer grow
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That’s basically all my log is just a smelly old man on trt.

How old are you?

Ive never heard of a “low psa”…interesting.
@Bigmurph, yep - the prostate is often overlooked when considering AAS. I honestly think I’m my case it’s just auto-immune related inflammation. My PSA was fine at peak symptoms, and no signs of bacterial infection - but they wanted to throw Cipro at it right away… no thanks!
Hey man! When it was tested I was 0.5, which given I was displaying Prostatitis symptoms was “lower than what was expected” according to my doc. Will be 33 soon.
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You’re way too young for that brother. Get yourself straight.

Was your prostrate enlarged…digital exam?
Oddly enough they said it wasn’t enlarged inflamed that bad upon exam. They said it felt a bit boggy but nothing out of the ordinary. Also, no signs of elevated white blood cells, and normal PSA.

As far as health goes, it’s somewhat of a mystery. On paper and on tests I’m perfectly fine. The doctor who prescribes my TRT is an internal med doctor - so we look at everything when doing blood works.
It absolutely can. However, as you guys know - medicine practice is … “mediocre” at best these days. They just wanna throw Cipro at it when there is really no sign of bacteria. General inflammation could be the culprit but it falls outside of their diagnostics: throw drugs at it
A very accurate description! They also mentioned they could stick a camera up my peen and spray things down with antibiotics … yet they still don’t know what’s really going on lol! Gonna pass on that
Today I felt like absolute garbage and was basically at the point of saying “fuck it” and not going to lift. The past two days have been a flare-up and feeling really uncomfortable. Moral of the story is to go lift regardless, felt better once I got moving. Drinking a ton of water to reduce any bloating and getting these fucking antibiotics out of my system.

Todays session:

20 mins of cardio (heart rate 120 bpm) elliptical


  • 5 sets of lat pull downs
  • 4 sets of bent over barbell rows
  • 4 Deadlifts
  • 5 sets of seated hamstring curls
  • 4 sets of Romanian deadlifts (dumbbells) slow
  • 4 sets seated hammer curls
  • 4 sets dumbbell curl w/arm blaster
  • Stopped after 8 total sets due to an almost painful pump and unable to move arms.
Total caloric intake is 2100.
I’ve looked at it before and I think it’s a good idea - haven’t tried it yet. For whatever reason, fruits and veggies tear me up - so I limit them to what I know I can tolerate. Generally stick with poultry and fish, egg whites, whey isolate, potatoes, carrots, oats, bread, lettuce and bananas. Also can do paleo styled pancakes and a few other miscellaneous things.

Sometimes something as stupid as a little added stress or lack of sleep can set things off.
I had an issue for a long time and carinvore cleared it up. I would give it a shot. Now I have no problems.
I think I’m going to give it a shot. Did you slowly transition into that style of eating?

It sucks, I do really well with a high protein and moderate carb/fat diet. My body can stay lean with carbs; oats and rice mainly. I hate to modify this; but it may be necessary.

I’ve been training for the past 11 weeks on a push, legs, pull split 2x’s a week - I’m going to have to take a deload period. Everything on my body hurts, especially the joints and tendons. No energy. Decreased strength.

How do you guys go about deloading?

Past two days I’ve done 30 mins of cardio.
2000 cals a day.
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