Turinabol Log (adding it to my HRT)


Rep Platinum Pharmaceuticals
I just started Flash tbol yesterday after being on only HRT of sustanon and deca for 8 months. OMG , this stuff is good! I kept reading reviews on how good it was but I haven’t used tbol since 2007. Flash said he has pros who love it so I got some. I take 25mg upon waking at 4:30am on an empty stomach because if you eat dietary fat it will bind to some of the steroid wasting it. Tbol has a 16 hour half life and I train around 3pm. Yesterday was my first workout using the tbol. I trained back. I was very strong and my endurance seemed a bit higher than usual so I did an extra exercise. I noticed my elbows felt better than they usually do. They are usually inflamed. Today I trained chest. I never train chest the day after back but I wanted to. I was very strong and my endurance was unreal. I haven’t felt that good in many years. The pump was ridiculous! I could have trained forever but I didn’t want to over train. It’s crazy how well a low dose of an additional compound works after only using HRT for a long time. I haven’t felt a pump like that in forever really. And it’s very interesting that my elbows aren’t inflamed after 12 heavy pressing sets and 4 flies. Has anyone else noticed reduced joint inflammation while using tbol?
I added turinabol to my HRT. I love this compound! Steroid Cycles and Discussion
I honestly haven’t noticed the anti inflammation but tbol is definitely my goto oral especially with nandrolone they just work extremely well together why I have no idea but I will say after dr Ziegler introduced dbol and the Russians came back with tbol I believe that they definitely developed the better compound. Tbol has no aromatase so no water only mass and strength gains are incredible on tbol. My dose is normally 20mg mourning 20mg pwo Its not as toxic as alot of other compounds and I …
This morning my elbows are more inflamed than last night. Still not too bad though. I’m going to train delts and traps here in awhile. I just took my tbol a half hour ago. I never can train upperbody three days in a row. At age 51 my body usually hurts too much, but I feel motivated to give it a go. I had serious morning wood the past few hours of sleeping but that’s probably due to the high dose of preworkout tadalifil I took yesterday.
Ha ha I know, but every time someone talks about any oral, my mind goes superD… and I also have a Flash tbol just hangin out, I’ve never used Tbol.
Tbol is known to be pretty mild. For many years I only did very high doses of everything and never came off. Then I got hurt and went natural for 8 months. Now, it just blows my mind how adding only 25mg of the most mild oral makes me feel incredible. I feel energized and can’t wait to go train. For years I was hell bent on turning pro. My receptors were so burnt out i only felt high doses. This is exciting to me to actually respond to low doses. 😀
Day#3 on Turinabol:

There is a definite reduction in joint inflammation in my elbows and my biceps are more pliable. I’ve had injuries in my biceps so I have to be very careful with them. Today I was able to do the heaviest dumbbell shrugs without wrist wraps so grip strength is up, and my biceps didn’t feel like they were about to tear off like they typically do. They felt great and more pliable.
I have an elbow issue where my arms don’t fully straighten out but today it felt safe to go heavy.

Endurance is without a doubt better on tbol.
I’m horny AF but I took a big dose of tadalifil preworkout, and the girls at my gym are so hot it always gets me horny.

The pump felt great!
Day #5 on Turinabol:
I trained arms. The pump was incredible! My biceps are definitely more playable and feel less injury prone. Strength was up on dumbbell hammer curls and one arm preacher curl machine. Triceps strength was average. Endurance was very good. I did 4 bicep exercises and 4 triceps exercises with a 3 part giant set for one triceps movement.
I just got home. I need to make dinner and tomorrow’s breakfast. I wish I had a hot wife to cook for me. 😀
Body weight leaving the gym was 236Lbs. That’s in my usual range of 232-236.
Day #8 on Turinabol:
Today I was stronger on everything for back. My elbows and biceps feel much better since adding tbol. I can straighten my arms out more than without tbol because the muscles are more elastic.
  • Strive machine rows on setting #3
    Set 1: 230Lbs for 10 drop to 190 for 5 more reps
    Set 2: 250Lbs for 6 drop to 230 for 4 drop to 210 for 4 more reps
    Set 3: 270Lbs for 4 drop to 250 for 2 drop to 230 for 2 drop to 210 for 4 drop to 190 for 5.
  • hammer strength rows
    Set 1: 3 plates each side for 15 reps
    Set 2: 3 plates plus a 35 each side for 13
    Set 3: 4 plates each side for 12 reps
    Set 4: 4 plates and a ten each side for 10 reps
  • t-bar rows
    4 sets of 12 with 3 plates
  • one arm cable rows
    Set 1: 100lbs for 15 reps
    Set 2 + 3: 120lbs for 12 reps
  • lower back machine
    4 sets of around 15 reps each
  • seated calve raises
    Set 1: 3 plates toes forward for maybe 8 reps
    Set 2, 3, 4: 3 plates plus a quarter toes forward, outward, then inward. Reps weren’t great. 6 each
    Set 5, 6, 7: 3 plates toes forward, outward, inward for around 6 each.
Day #9 on Turinabol:
Chest Day…
Today, on crap sleep, I hit new PR’s. I haven’t gone this heavy in at least 6 years if not 10 or more.
This tbol is freaking amazing!
  • Wide grip hammer strength chest press. This is my favorite chest exercise, and my long time goal has been to get 315Lbs.
    Set 1: 225 for 10 reps
    Set 2: 245 for 10 reps
    Set 3: 265 for 10 reps
    Set 4: 285 for 10 reps
    Set 5: 295 for 6 reps
    Set 6: 305 for 5 reps
    Set 7: 315 for 3 reps
  • Inclined hammer strength press
    4 sets of 225 for 9 reps each
  • strive fly machine on #3 tension setting
    4 sets of 150 for 13 reps each
The deep pump felt unreal. I had so much blood in my chest.
This workout made me feel like a young man again.
Day 11 on Turinabol:
Today was delts, traps, and abs.
The pump was real good even after the first set. Strength was awesome even though I was running on shit sleep for 3 days, and needed lots of nootropics to fuel the workout.
  • shoulder press
    4 sets: 100 for 16, 110 for 13, 120 for 12, 130 for 8 drop to 110 for 4 drop to 100 for 5.
  • lateral raise machine
    3 sets at 130Lbs for 13 reps each
  • rear delt machine
    4 sets of 90Lbs for 12 reps each
  • one arm lateral raise machine
    3 sets of 150Lbs for 13 reps each( these are exhausting. Very heavy and I sweat balls)
  • rear dumbbell laterals
    3 sets with 42.5Lbs for 13 reps each
  • shrugs on smith machine
    4 sets of 225Lbs with the bar in front of me for 12 reps each.
    2 sets with 225 with the bar behind me for 8.
    4 sets of standing cable crunches with tension slightly to the left, right, and middle for 15 reps each.
The pump was real good all over. I was soaking wet. Now, I’m lying on my bed trying to get the ability to eat my big ass dinner. Eating is a bitch lately but I force it down.
Dinner is 1/2Lb turkey breast, 1 cup mixed nuts, 1/2 large avocado, 3 cups white rice, hot taco sauce.