Turinabol Log (adding it to my HRT)

I’m using flourinated modanifil. It’s a research drug. It’s not a controlled substance or a scheduled drug, but not FDA approved for human use. I also take caffeine, sunifiram, and tianeptine sodium. They work great but tianeptine isn’t meant to used too often.
Im going to have to look into fluorinated ive never seen that type before I will check out the other compounds you mentioned also im curious about them is it kinda like an eca stack?
Do you stack them together to get a synergenic reaction?
Day #13 on Turinabol:
Today, I just wanted to go home after work but I put on some high energy trance music on the drive home and made the turn off to the gym.
My left elbow was hurting in a weird way this morning from too many smith shrugs the other day. It had my arm straightened further than it’s meant to go which caused swelling against the nerves which made me Yelp in pain several times this morning.
Once I started training arms it hurt at first but when the endorphins kicked in I was actually stronger on most exercises. The pump was intense everywhere in my upperbody. Body weight was at a new high of 237.5Lbs.
  • Super set of dumbbell hammer curls and dumbbell kick backs for 5 sets of curls and 4 sets of kick backs. I upped the weight each set in biceps from 35’s to 37’5 to 40 to 42.5 to 45.
    For tris I did 40, 42.5, 45, and 45 drop to 35.
    Reps are 13 typically since it’s Friday the 13th and a bad luck number. I’m weird about numbers. OCD issues.
  • Super set of one arm cable curls and triceps extensions with 3 grips as a giant set. The biceps curls were 13–17 reps with 20Lbs set#1, then 25lbs set# 2, 3, 4. Triceps extensions were giant sets of reverse grip, followed by over hand grip, followed by hammer grip. Each grip I did 8-12 reps, approximately 30 reps per giant set. 4 total triceps giant sets. Same weight as biceps sets.
  • triceps rope extensions 4 sets of 50Lbs set#1, 60Lbs set# 2, 3, 4. 13 reps each.
  • one arm bicep preacher curl machine at the high position. 4 sets of 80Lbs for 8-10 reps.
-Intra workout I sip a 20oz Powerade.
-Post workout I had 2 scoops whey isolate/ concentrate with 2 scoops quick oats, and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Yes, the oil slows the absorption of protein but I’m not concerned.
  • time to eat dinner: 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast, 1 cup mixed nuts, 1/2 large avocado, 3 cups minute rice, hot taco sauce. I sip orange/pineapple juice which cooking dinner.
Day#14 on Turinabol:

Today I trained legs for the first time in a month. I hate training legs because I have nerve damage in my left leg so it’s a stick and barely grows. My left leg is held together with titanium sutures because my patella was fully detached. My right knee has bad meniscus damage. I’m missing my left ACL.

Surprisingly, I went up 21% in weight on horizontal leg press, and strength was great on everything. I don’t do a lot for legs. My knees are severely damaged. If I do too much I’ll limp for weeks which happens a lot.
  • horizontal leg press
190Lbs for 13 reps

210Lbs for 13 reps

230Lbs for 10 reps

210Lbs for 13 reps
  • seated calve raises
All sets with 3 plates

6 total sets, 2 sets toes forward, 2 sets toes outward, 2 sets toes inward.

8-13 reps per set
  • lying leg curls
4 sets of 100Lbs for 13 reps
  • weighted hip thrusts
4 sets with 6 plates for 13 reps each

I’m wiped out now. I need to eat my post workout meal but just want to continue to lie on my bed.
Day #16 on Turinabol:
Today I wasn’t feeling so great. I had diarrhea all morning at work. After work I did back. I was my strongest ever on the first exercise but not as strong as last week on the subsequent exercises, so I kept the workout fairly short.
  • narrow grip pull downs on the strive machine at setting #3 where the tension is greatest at the start of the movement.
    Set #1: 13 reps at 150Lbs
    Set #2: 13 reps at 170Lbs
    Set #3: 10 reps at 190Lbs(new PR)
    Set #4: 13 reps at 170Lbs drop to 150Lbs for 7 reps.
  • one arm cable rows
    4 sets of 13 reps at 100Lbs
  • seated rows on the strive machine at setting #3.
    3 sets at 230Lbs for 8 reps dropped to 190Lbs for 7 reps each set.
  • lower back/ hyperextension machine
    4 sets of approximately 20 reps at approximately 150Lbs.
Time to eat dinner.
Day #18 on Turinabol:
I have to report that turinabol is a very underrated compound. You would think it’s extremely weak due to its near non existent androgen content, and an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 54:6. My strength is increasing, and today I did the most weight I’ve done in 6 years on inclined and wide grip hammer strength chest presses, since seriously injuring my rotator cuffs, with many reoccurring tears. I got up to 255Lbs for 6 reps on inclined hammer strength press and 315Lbs for 3 on wide grip hammer strength press.
My body weight has only gone up a few pounds but the muscle development and look is really improving rapidly. I’m only taking 25mg per day A upon waking, which is what I used to put my female clients on. I see no need to take a higher dose with the consistent changes and strength gains.
One negative thing I definitely notice is I’m a little less patient and tend to snap when disrespected. This was unexpected considering the low androgen content of turinabol. I’m aware of it so I coach myself in my head to stay calm and not react too quickly when someone is rude.
If you haven’t tried tbol, I highly recommend giving it a go. There’s nothing to lose considering how safe it is in terms of orals.
I’m training delts and traps after I eat my big breakfast. I slept in til 10am today. It felt great! My chest is sore down deep from going heavy last night.
I did 8 sets of wide grip chest press hammer strength starting at 225Lbs and slowing going up each set to 315. 4 sets inclined hammer strength chest press starting at 205 and going to too 255 with 3 drops on the 4th set. 3 sets strive flies heavy for 13 reps each, and 3 sets machine dips high reps(18 reps each at 165Lbs) to fully get maximum blood in there.
Day #19 on Turinabol:
I just did delts and traps. Yesterday’s chest workout had me wiped out today. My endocrine system can’t handle multiple hard workouts anyone.
I had a good workout but it was very difficult to get through.
  • 4 sets shoulder press palms facing inward grip shoulder width apart.
    100Lbs for 13
    110Lbs for 13
    120Lbs for 10
    130Lbs for 6 drop to 110 for 6 drop to 100 for 8.
  • 3 sets one arm lateral raise machine all at 150Lbs for 13 reps. (These were a bitch!!!)
  • 3 sets bent dumbbell laterals
    42.5Lbs for 13
    45Lbs for 13
    47.5Lbs for 10(heaviest I’ve gone in years)
  • 3 sets lateral raise machine with 140Lbs for 13 each
  • 3 sets rear delt machine on 90Lbs for 11-13 reps.
  • dumbbell shrugs standing with 100Lbs dumbbells for 4 sets of 13 reps each.
Day #21 on Turinabol:
Arm day! Got a real good pump!
  • 3 sets one arm cable extensions hammer grip
  • 3 sets one arm cable extensions reverse grip
  • 4 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 5 sets rope push downs
  • 3 sets one arm preacher curl strive machine
  • 3 sets one arm preacher curl elevated position style machine
  • 3 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 2 sets another single arm preacher curl machine
  • 3 sets standing barbell curls upper range of motion
Day #23 on Turinabol:
Today I trained back. Got a real good pump.
  • one arm cable rows. 4 sets of 13 reps.
  • regular cable rows. 4 sets of 10, 11, 12, 13 reps.
  • 3 sets one arm pull downs. 13 reps each.
  • 4 sets t-bar rows old school style. 11 reps each.
  • 4 sets lower back machine.
Turinabol Log:
I took time off to visit family for the holidays. I still took daily 25mg tbol. This tbol is so cool. I didn’t train chest for two weeks and I still got stronger. This was my best chest workout in years. I did legs two days ago and was stronger after two weeks off, as well.
  • wide grip hammer strength chest press
    225 for 10 reps
    245 for 10 reps
    275 for 10 reps
    295 for 8 reps
    315 for 3 reps
    295 for 7 reps
    275 for 11 reps
    275 for 11 reps
    275 for 11 reps
  • inclined hammer strength chest press
    4 sets of 225 for 8-10 reps
  • strive fly machine
    4 sets of 150 for 13 reps
I’m about half way through my turinabol cycle. I lowered sustanon a bit to around 262.5mg and deca is up to 157.5mg. The reason is I’m going to do shots every 4 days instead of every 3 days, and this is convenient by taking 60ius sustanon and 30ius deca per shot.
Day #32 on Turinabol:
Today, I was very strong and my joints all felt great which is rare. I notice lifting weights EOD makes a huge difference in my joint health. I guess that’s just part of being 51. I seem to grow while doing this so why not, right.
Today, I did delts and traps. On traps, I was able to use the heaviest dumbbells without wrist wraps. I kept weights the same on most exercises but everything felt stronger and better.
The pump was ridiculous because I was down to the end of my liquid tadalifil bottle so I just drank the whole thing, and kept adding water to get all the residue out of the bottle. I bet I took 50mg. Besides the pump, I also found myself looking at women I normally wouldn’t give the time a day. I’m horny AF!!!
  • shoulder press machine military style with hands palms in and about a foot apart.
    100Lbs for 18 reps
    110Lbs for 15 reps
    120Lbs for 12 reps
    130Lbs for 6 drop to 120 for 3 drop to 110 for 3 drop to 100 for 5.
  • rear delt machine strive on setting #3
    3 sets of 90Lbs for 13 reps
  • one arm strive lateral raise machine on setting #3
    3 sets of 150Lbs for 13 reps
  • rear dumbbell laterals
    3 sets of 45Lbs for 13 reps
  • dumbbell shrugs
    2 sets of 105Lbs for 11 reps
    1 set of 105Lbs for 8 reps
    1 set of 100Lbs for 11 reps
    1 set of 95Lbs for 8 reps
  • dumbbell laterals raises
    3 sets of 35Lbs for 13 reps