SB Labs

Turinabol Log (adding it to my HRT)

Turinabol Log:

On Friday, I trained arms. The pump was ridiculous, strength was decent, not great.
  • triceps rope push downs torquing wrists out at the bottom, supersetted with abs rips crunches.
    TRCIEPS: 4 sets 13+ reps with 50Lbs, 50Lbs, 55Lbs, 60Lbs. When I was unable to torque the wrists on later reps, I just pushed it down for an extra 5 reps.
    ABS: crunches for 13+ reps with 85Lbs, 85Lbs, 100Lbs, 100Lbs.
  • EZ BAR CURLS: 4 sets with 65Lbs 11 reps each.
    For biceps: one arm cable curls with 20Lbs for 13-15reps superset with one arm reverse grip cable tricep extensions 20Lbs got 11-13 reps, follow by over hand grip one arm push downs same weight for 10-12 reps, followed by hammer grip one arm push downs 10 reps, same weight. This is a 4 part non stop giant set. I did 4 total bicep/tricep giant sets.
    Hammer Curls: 3 sets of 13 reps with 35Lbs, 40Lbs, 42.5Lbs. SUPERSET with
    Kick backs: 3 sets of 13 reps with 40Lbs, 45Lbs, 45Lbs.
  • BICEPS ONE ARM CONCENTRATION CURL MACHINE - 3 sets of 13 reps at 40Lbs
    3 sets of 13 reps at 70Lbs.
LEGS: good strength even though my legs were still sore from the workout 7 days prior.
  • 6 sets seated calve raises with 3 - 45Lb plates for 8-13 reps each. Toes point forward, outward, and inward alternated.
  • 4 sets seated leg curls with 180Lbs for 13-15 reps.
  • 5 sets horizontal leg press for 12-15 reps at 195Lbs, 210Lbs, 230Lbs, 210Lbs, 195Lbs.
  • 4 sets weighted hip thrust for 13 reps with six 45Lb plates.
Today I’m training back/lats.
Day #37 on Turinabol:
Back day. I decided to see how the pump was taking only 10mg tadalifil instead of 20-30mg. The pump wasn’t even close to as good, but my strength was great!
  • narrow grip pull downs on the strive machine with the #3 setting.
    150Lbs for 18 reps
    170Lbs for 13 reps
    190Lbs for 10 reps drop to 170Lbs for 4 reps drop to 150Lbs for 7 reps
  • cable rows
    3 sets of 13 reps at 200Lbs
  • one arm cable rows
    3 sets of 13 reps at 100Lbs
  • old school T-bar rows 4 sets
    3 plates(45Lb’ers) for 13 reps
    3 plates plus a 25Lb for 10 reps
    3 plates plus a 25 for 10
    3 plates for 15 reps
I forgot to do lower back machine. Disappointed face 😞
Day #39 on Turinabol:
Chest yesterday evening:
I had a real good chest workout. Great pump from 25mg tadalifil. Strength was great.
  • wide grip hammer strength chest press
    225Lbs for 21 reps
    275Lbs for 12 reps
    295Lbs for 7 reps
    295Lbs for 8 reps
    275Lbs for 13 reps
  • inclined hammer strength chest press
    225Lbs for 10 reps
    225Lbs for 10 reps
    225Lbs for 9 reps
  • dip machine
    165Lbs for 21 reps
    165Lbs for 22 reps
    165Lbs for 25 reps
  • strive chest fly on setting #3
    3 sets at 150Lbs for 13 reps
I weighed 240Lbs, the heaviest I’ve been in years.
I was wiped out when I got home and too tired to cook so I had a shake and peanut butter. At the gym I had a big Gatorade and a shake(whey, oats, extra virgin olive oil).
Fucking sucks when sickness keeps you from training. I was ill over the holidays and couldn’t train for a week or so. On the plus side, when I got back in I felt stronger due to the week off.
Yep we were safe here but 3 miles away neighbors lost 6 mega poultry houses shit is mind blowing to see. I put wife and kid in the gun vault