Turinabol Log (adding it to my HRT)

I’ve never gotten an erection at the gym. When you’re lifting weights the focus on the heavy lifting and the pain brings all that blood to the muscles. When you get home it’s a different story.
I just finished hitting some delts, traps, and hams. I’m up 6 1/2Lbs in 6 days. I did:
  • 3 sets of bent dumbbell laterals on a bench with 37.5Lb dumbells for 17 reps, 20 reps, and 15 reps.
  • 4 sets of standing side dumbbell laterals with 35’s for 13 reps per set.
  • 5 sets of close grip shoulder press with 110, 130, 130, 130, 130 for 11-15 reps.
  • 3 sets of rear delts on the reverse fly machine with 90Lbs for 13 reps each.
  • 3 sets with 100Lb dumbbells for 13 reps.
  • 2 sets with 90Lb dumbbells for 15 reps slow with a squeeze at the top.
  • seated leg curls
  • 1 set of 180Lbs for 20 reps
  • 3 sets of 195Lbs for 11 reps with a double drop set on the last set to 180Lbs then 175Lbs for 19 reps total.
Soooo tired afterwards so I ate 2 double doubles with some orange/mango juice. Not even in the mood to cook.
Day #9 back on TBOL:
Today I hit biceps, triceps, and calves. My arthritic elbows and wrists felt better today. The pump was very good. I’m growing consistently on tbol. On only test and deca the results are much, much slower due to my low doses. I dropped sustanon to 300mg and deca to 150mg. 25mg TBOL is all I need to really grow fast! I’m going to order more gear real soon. I may get the exact same cycle. It feels like the safest cycle for me. It’s tempting to add tren but I have to be honest with myself and know that it’s just not a good idea to use tren at age 51. Masteron is tempting but I know my hair will thin a bit. I may get some masteron enanthate anyway for the estrogen lowering and water loss. Less water retention could help my high blood pressure somewhat. I know dbol and anadrol will definitely hurt my blood pressure. EQ is just bad news for me with my propensity for high hemoglobin. Anavar tends to make me cramp up. Flashtropin HGH is definitely tempting to aid in recovery and fat loss.
Today’s workout:
BICEPS: one arm elevated preacher curl machine .
  • 4 sets of 13 reps at 80Lbs
    TRICEPS: cable rope push down with the wrists torquing outward at the bottom.
  • 4 sets of 13 reps at 50Lbs
  • dumbbell hammer curls
    Set 1: 37.5Lbs for 15 reps
    Set 2: 40Lbs for 13 reps
    Set 3: 42.5Lbs for 12 reps
    Set 4: 45Lbs for 10 reps
  • one arm dumbbell kick backs
    4 sets with the same dumbbell weights and reps for each superset.
  • cable one arm reverse grip tricep push downs
    4 sets of 15 reps with 20Lbs
  • one arm cable curls
    4 sets of 15 reps with 20Lbs
  • seated calve raises
    5 total sets slow, deep, and a full squeeze at the top. I alternate toes forward, outward, and straight ahead for each successive set. I put three 45Lb plates on the machine. I did 12 reps per set until my calves couldn’t do it on the last set.