Turinabol Log (adding it to my HRT)

I’m unable to eat. I stopped the tbol. I know I’ll shrink but I’ll make comeback. I haven’t taken my injection in 6 days either. It’s okay.
I just did my first workout in 16 days due to the flu. I can’t believe it but I hit a new max on chest. I was just as strong and I lowered my gear from 300mg sust, 150mg deca, 25mg tbol to only 175mg sust and 100mg deca a couple weeks ago. I’m so happy. I’m going to cruise on this dose for awhile. I kept all the gains from the tbol which is very unexpected. I weigh 231Lbs so I lost 9Lbs from the flu.
I think mine was type b flu. This is the first day I feel good in two weeks. I feel alive again and happy. And horny from the preworkout cialis hahaha 😂
I just trained my biceps, triceps, and calves. My biceps and triceps felt dry, possibly due to all the damn bp meds I’m on. I just got home and took a FLASH TBOL. I have 21 days worth. Fugg it! Last time the tbol seemed to make my muscles feel more pliable. This is what I’m hoping for. All these bp meds aren’t working for shizz anyway. I guess that means I’ll need to do a precontest diet to lower my bp. It’s obvious to me I’m holding a lot of water due to my diet. I love the strength though and want to keep growing. Pretty soon I definitely will need to go to straight chicken breasts, egg whites, yams, veggies. Blahhhh haha not looking forward to it. Meal prepping sucks! Losing weight and strength sucks! Oh well, let’s see what 3 weeks of tbol on my sloppy food diet can do first. 🙂
I’ll be moving opposite direction on diet soon. Last week of my cut before returning to maintainable and I decided to cut out most carbs for it. Sugars from milk protein shakes and veggies is all I’m intaking
4th Day on TBOL and I feel it in the gym big time. I felt more aggressive in a good way. I hit new PR’s on my chest. There’s only one exercise I stress over my strength, because it’s my mass builder, the wide grip hammer strength chest press. I got more reps than ever before at 275Lbs, and 295Lbs.
225Lbs for not sure how many reps as it was just a warmup.
275Lbs for 14 reps(new PR)
295Lbs for 8 reps(new PR)
315Lbs for 4 reps
295Lbs for 9 reps(new PR)
275Lbs for 11 reps
275Lbs for 12 reps
225Lbs for 6 reps
205Lbs for 9 reps
205Lbs for 10 reps
205Lbs for 10 reps
STRIVE FLY MACHINE SETTING#3 max tension at the start of the movement
4 sets of 13 reps

LEGS: Lately I do one leg exercise after my upperbody workout.
190Lbs for 15 reps
205Lbs for 13 reps
220Lbs for 10 reps
220Lbs for 11 reps
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Thank you!
There’s no need to apologize. I had to stop my log due to the flu. I just started back again to finish up the 3 weeks of tbol I have left.
I really like this compound. My muscles look better on it, harder, larger, broader. I think it’s about the safest oral an older guy can run, and still get real impressive results.
Yesterday, I did back. My lats are sore today. I was supposed to do hams yesterday after back but I mistakenly got a zero carb Gatorade and ran out of energy. I like to sip carbs throughout the workout for sustained energy. I wondered why the Gatorade tasted like crap when I was half way through my workout. Then I saw zero carbs on the label. Blahhh … what a worthless intraworkour drink.
I can’t agree with you more about tbol being an amazing compound. Its my favorite oral at this point in my life. I used nothing but dbol early on and I loved it but then it started to spike my BP and it wasn’t worth the risk anymore once I was able to get turinabol I tried it and have stuck with it as it doesn’t spike my BP or give me horrible acne and other side effects that I would get from dbol.
That sucks about your Gatorade especially because there not cheap at all either I would have been pissed lol
I myself use mio sport and just add it to my water bottle it works well and has the two popular flavors of Gatorade and powerade.
I like that I can actually keep it in my pocket even if I needed to just add it to a glass of water.
I agree also zero carb Gatorade is a pointless drink its not like they are going to add protein to it unless that’s something that they do now lol
Thanks again brother
I like the taste of the green apple Gatorade. Any sugar water will have the same effect of keeping energy levels elevated if you sip it after each set. My preworkout cialis gives me the pump I like.