United gear made a b!end for me


Well-known member
So I was asking UG if he could make blends he assured me he could and would be happy to make a custom order for me
So I got 100 mg mast p,tren a,test p per ml blend made up,im very happy one vial down no pip very smooth oils and no Fina coughing so far .the man is top chef ,guys do t hesitate to ask for a blend or a high mg oil he is able to do it all
Thank you UG 1 pin Ed instead of 2 makes me happy.
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Thats freaking awesome United would do that for a customer. I do say that is a classic blend…one of the best combos you could make. Maybe he’ll make it as part of his permanent line?..kudos to United.
MM my brotha from another mother! Its not everyday that you get your own line of gear labelled with your own name!!! You are the man bro and deserve only the best :facepunch:t2:
Yes that would be an amazing addition especially last 6 weeks before a contest! If in good condition already that combo will dry you out while keeping you dense full and striated plus in a calorie deficit the anadrol or d-bol would help keep your strength up sparing your new hard earned muscle