So I really believe all anabolics have their place and need to be tailored correctly to each individual. To detail, I feel that you really have to experiment with these compounds as I personally have had effects from certain things that not many people can relate too on the forums. However, in general I will say I try not to run orals and if so I will try different cycle theories. These theories aren’t the typical shit you see on forums, but some vets discuss it at my local gym. For example, one of the vets at my gym swears by using adrol at 25mg 3x per day. however, he uses it 3 days on, two off, 3 on, 3 off. With this rotation he says he avoids all the negative sides but still reaps the rewards of crazy strength gains and fullness. Tren is another one I will probably try not to run as often but damn I love it. I just get bad acne and a bad temper. I might look into doing short bursts of tren ace if I run it again. Anyways, my point to this long post is to encourage people to not completely discount a specific compound if you saw benefits. Maybe try running at lower dose or cycling it differently. My first experience with Deca was terrible because I ran it as a primary anabolic in a cycle at way too high of a dose. Now I love throwing it in almost every cycle at around 200mg/week for the joint lubrication.