What are you lifting today

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Staff member
So I’m home, just had the wife insert some PWO(kong sauce) in my ass cheek, before anything else,literally she was waiting as per my Instructions. So I will do my chores for awhile, get work shit ready for tomorrow, light a fire, then at some point when I feel warm and flushed, I know it’s time to go the the basement and get shit done, which today will be,tricep pull downs,diamond push ups and kick backs, also I’m gonna throw traps in there. At the moment, I’m lacking on my calories, I’m a little over 2100 and I dont stay up late so I got other work to do also, days like this,when I’m behind on eating the weed, is a tremendous help.
Today i worked out doing
pull ups
Hanging L sits
Straight bar dips
Toe to bar touches
Hanging leg raises
Negative muscle up
Jumping muscle up
1 min to 2 min break in between
3 rounds
Kicked my own ass
Currently doing wide grip rack pulls from
Just above knee height sets of 8 till I can’t hit the number up to 5 pod side it’s my third back lift so getting a bit fatigued but power through
Did a mediocre chest workout: Cable flys at multiple levels, flat bench six sets, DB squeeze presses four sets, and dips four sets each to exhaustion. I was supposed to do a lot more, but my head was not in it, and my body was still achey from DLs yesterday and squats the day before. Taking tomorrow off.
@Bigmurph @Poppy, I get in these funks, when my meds don’t seem to be leveling me out like they’re supposed to, throw in the fact that I play with hormones and I’m currently lowering my test makes for a pretty fun roller coaster ride!

I think this started last week when I couldn’t take the pain in my knees any more… kind of a wake up call but at the same time a real fucking downer!
This was my break point. Weird how mining hands out a foot in both directions makes weight so much heavier
Brother I can completely understand now as you know
I thought something might really be wrong but I go through the same it sucks im sorry really cause I know all about the funk
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The funk sucks…I’ve been fighting it for a year. Coming to terms with my age and all the things I just can’t do anymore. Reason for my post about cashing it in.

I’m aiming for “most yoked grandpa”
I mean I can always change the time line a bit but a general direction of where I’m going. Injuries and what not will dictate a lot of it
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