What the Democrats tried to pack thru the Senate at 3:30 am last Wednesday

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Staff member
So you guys in the US, Chuck Shumer tried to push a bill at 3:30 am thru the Senate. Except Ted Cruz was there to stop it from passing.

What the bill would have done:
  • Force states to use universal mail-in ballots and a slew of things like online voter registration/early voting.
  • Allow anyone with a record in a state or federal database - especially anyone with an ID or government records of any kind - to be automatically registered to vote without checking citizenship status.
  • Force states to count ballots that arrive up to 10 DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION.
  • Force states to allow mass drop-offs of ballots, a tactic used in “harvesting” operations where people collect ballots - either by paying people or stealing from them - and filling them out in bulk.
  • Ban voter ID.
  • Bar state and local election officials from maintaining voter rolls and eligibility.
  • Redraw congressional districts according to the whims of unelected bureaucrats who would work at the behest of the Dems.
  • Allow illegal immigrants to count in congressional counts and have representation in D.C.
  • Allow criminals to vote the second they step out of prison.
  • Put red tape in place to make it harder for grassroots organizations to fundraise and get their platform out.
  • Allow private political donations to be made public.
They stole this election and got away with it. Now they will stop at nothing because they can’t win a fair election any longer. Only way is ensuring they can more easily get away with fraud.

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I have a feeling it may be to late anyways. That’s why covid won’t go away. With it around they can use executive orders under the disguise of a pandemic to get away with anything. Only thing that can happen is people realize their freedoms are more important than their comforts.
My question to ALL democrats/liberals is:

How many homeless/illegal immigrants do YOU have sleeping in your house… on the floor, couch, spare bedrooms…YOU can pay to feed them, wash them, clothe them… YOU can take them to YOUR doctor/dentist and foot the bill for all of their medical needs.

If the answer is none… then shut eff up… put up or shut up.

I don’t want any of them near me or my family…my voting reflects that.
A bleeding heart liberal can easily fit a dozen of them into their house… just a little uncomfortable but hey small price to pay to walk the walk.
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When people alllowed them to get away one time it was a mistake. Also republicans don’t want to invest in media. So the liberals control it. That’s the main problem. Then they make a perception that they are the majority. The only time people take a stand is on gun rights. But wait and see and democrats will take that away too. Just wait till this new ATF director gets settled and rewrites the definition of firearams to suit their agenda.
Covid gave them a blank check and they are doing what they want. Then they throw 1000 dollars at the general public and no one stands up. We have all the power: the we just stopped in our tracks they would be forced to do what we wanted. But wood is right they would have to not be lazy and get out of there comfort zone. Political people in general are all crooked it’s money and power. If the people that fought for our freedoms and died saw this they probably wouldn’t have fought at all. I too fear it is too late but I also believe it’s the end of society as we know, possibly end of times the world is on decline.
Well slowly all rights included second amendment has been encroached upon. I do agree when he gets appointed things will change fast he already said so. He isn’t hiding his motives.
Liberals have no problem only supporting liberals. Conservatives get stupid and support everyone. Because it’s capitalism. They’ll throw money at google and use YouTube, Twitter, Amazon all while complaining the liberals control everything. Unfortunately it’s been 15-20 years in the making and past the point of being able to overturn it. Slowly Youtube is dieing out in their numbers and things like tiktok and instagram are taking over. Even now google is paying for ads on both networks trying to get people to use Youtube again.
While Trump was president he was giving Twitter billions in revenue by only wanting to use them. At any point he could have crushed them by moving to any of the other smaller networks. He was fucking stupid and just complained about them until it no longer mattered and now he cant reach anyone.

He would only threaten he would open his own network but then never acted on it. That cost him.
Long forgotten is when the governor of AZ took action to secure their borders because of the murder/rape/drug problems and obama had holder sue the state… the us gov (at the time) took action against its own citizens on behalf of another country that was breaking the law.

That was one of my ahhh haa moments.
I claim neither party, I’m just a working class asshole, but extreme liberals like this fucking piss me off. We went to Cali a month ago to see our daughter, my wife’s entire family are 100% republican (farmers and military) and just going around seeing how bad everything is there, and how the homeless just do what they want and how they welcome the illegals in droves fucking sickened me…this country is quickly headed to disaster if people don’t continue to keep these hippie ass weird fucking tree loving assholes in check. Sorry
Preach, brother, preach! Couldn’t agree more. I’m all in favor of diversity and taking care of the environment and helping the less fortunate, but not at the expense of our country and especially those who fulfill their duties as contributing citizens.
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