Whats going on this weekend with ugm members

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Roman reigns edge and Daniel bryani prefer Indy and new Japan for pro wrestling but watch wrestle mania every year for spectacle date night tonight cause it’s a Saturday Sunday event
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Piddling around the estate as usual. Wifey is taking every Saturday to go clean out her mama’s stuff from her house…and she has a lot of “stuff”.

Me and baby girl will spend Saturday getting into something.
Wow see its been so long since ive watched any type of sports. I have no idea even what’s going on now with the way things are done atleast its not like 80$ to watch on ppv
Bigmurph said:
That’s a big job that sucks for your wife
Do you remember the Philippine president marcos from decades ago? They run him out and his wife had to flee with her giant shoe collection. Well that’s my mother in law… 100’s if not a thousand pairs of shoes…thousands of outfits…hundreds of bottles of meds. She’s been 2 Saturdays and has just scratched the surface.
Tomorrow got gym in the morning (push day), grocery store for the week, then friends birthday doing a small get together

Sunday got pull day then heading out of town for the day to see my parents.

Overall chill weekend can’t complain. Weathers gonna be nice, have missed the sun the past 6+ months haha
Gotta try to create some happiness around the house, as the husband of my wife’s friend did in fact die of COVID last night, less than 10 days after having been infected with it, and that casts quite a pall over things. Will try to get some dinner reservations somewhere nice, maybe go shopping with her (which I hate, but she loves when I go with her). And tomorrow is the first leg day since my last painful squat day, so I’m hoping that will go well. Skipping the running for now, based on the chorus of advice from @Kad1, @Poppy and @Bigmurph.
Did he really steal all the Japanese gold?? I don’t know if you know about this

She is going to need a couple dumpster bags or actually a dumpster dropped off in the driveway
herrubermensch said:
maybe go shopping with her (which I hate, but she loves when I go with her).
I know all about this brother I just follow along myself lol

Im sorry to hear about your wife’s friend falling to covid. This is where not getting the shot is taking a big chance. I feel that I might get it ive been hearing good things and atleast it will stop me from dying.

Im glad you pulled back on the running but you still can just need a park with grass so you land on a much more padded surface. I would hate to see you give up something you like.
I look forward to hearing how your squat day goes hopefully better
I didn’t know about Japanese gold but i lnow him and his family embezzled billions from the country. The us tried him on racketeering.
He supposedly tortured a man to death over his life to find out where he found a stash of ww2 gold and a giant golden Buddha.
It was said that 90% of his wealth came from the sale of gold which he was able to move through the system making him crazy rich. I don’t remember how much was actually supposed to be there but the original guy he tortured found a solid golden Buddha it had to weigh 500 kilos plus possibly and then a Japanese samari sword with the body of a Japanese general plus multiple 100kg bars of gold publicly.
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