SB Labs

Whats going on this weekend with ugm members

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I believe the most powerful I don’t believe that he is dangerous because he understands that war is bad for business. He comes from that world.
That’s what i mean… not dangerous like starting wars but dangerous like he’ll have someone assasinated in a skinny minute.
He has been killing people all over the world lol
He got caught for 3 I believe and he is trying to kill that guy who runs against him up until today
I’m going to relax, maybe mow, smoke something… thinking a few racks of baby backs and pork belly burnt ends?? Not sure. Hitting the gym tonight, upper body pull muscles, haven’t lifted since Tuesday cause of work and family, so I’ll have a lot to release… may do sets of 20 on deadlifts and work up as heavy as I can with no belt…
I’d love to go out to a restaurant to eat, but getting my hypochondriac wife to leave the house this day in age is like pulling teeth… it’s sad, all it takes is one sneeze and she thinks she has some rare form of cancer compounded by something else like lupus… I think she just needs lithium
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Going to likely get some yard work done tomorrow. Having family over on Sunday for my mother’s birthday, so will be busting out the grill for chicken and burgers, though I’m very tempted to grab a couple pork butts and fire up my bullet sticker burner smoker.

@Bigmurph I remember you mentioning you want to get into smoking meat…definitely do it! I wouldn’t go with electric or pellet smokers (just don’t put out enough smoke IMO), but rather a bullet stick burner or if you have the cash a reverse flow smoker with the side box. I had a general offset smoker and it was horrible at keeping temps steady. The reverse flow ones though have a pipe under it that pulls the smoke to the other end so temps stay much more steady. That’s my dream smoker, but to get it I’d have to drive to Houston as I’m not paying a small fortune to have it delivered by freight. A good economic one is the Weber Smokey Mountain which is what I currently use. I have the bigger one that can fit 8 large pork butts if needed…also the larger one allows you to lay 3 10 bone spare ribs flat across the grill on both the upper and lower racks.
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