SB Labs

Whats going on this weekend with ugm members

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Work tomorrow. lots Of work lately. It’s good. Maybe I can afford to add some things to my cycle if blood work comes back alright. Tomorrow night I’ll do back. Sunday morning legs then chores. No rest for the wicked.
I do want to get one for sure right now its not in the budget lol soon enough though who knows I might commission a welder to build one for me.

I need to be able to switch up my diet im done with slow cooker magic lol I need to start smoking some meat
I’ve been looking and dreaming I just didn’t know that it cost so much and plus the meat is crazy expensive also

I will be smoking meat asap though
That is the downside, it’s a pricey hobby, but it’s much more relaxing that other hobby’s. If I totaled up the amount of money I spent chasing big numbers over a span of 15 years, I’d probably get sick to my stomach, and I know my wife and daughters would hate me even more…
I can’t even participate in my hobby anymore so I need a new one and I believe that smoking meat is going to be great especially for prepping.

The cuts plus the smoker will be in the budget eventually I want to smoke our turkey this year.
Brine it before you smoke it and it will turn out AMAZING! If you can afford it I would suggest looking into outlaw smokers, lone star grills or Jambo pits… they all three have some pretty comparable smokers, all similar priced…
I promise that you and @Shock6050 will definitely be consulted before I buy anything because you two really now what’s good and how to do it im going to be asking for secrets and recipes lol definitely.
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