SB Labs

What’s going on with everyone this Saturday night

You truly are right I was a millionaire in my early 20s I became a drug addict and I was probably close to half a million in debt.
I cleaned up and lived a normal life for another 10 yrs then I said fuck it and started to start businesses again failed a bunch of times but finally hit twice so things aren’t anywhere near the millions I mean no wear near that but im comfortable so I see it as you can start and fall far it just takes time to get back up.
I was told by someone and it stuck with me until this day if you’re not going anywhere in life just start putting one foot in front of the other and you will eventually end up somewhere it might not be exactly where you want to be but you will end up somewhere.
Well bro, I say I choose the color of my grass. Happiness and fulfillment aren’t derived from the yard my house sits on.

Happiness is a direct result of what’s in the house, between my ears so to speak.