SB Labs

Who else trained today?


Well-known member
Who else trained today? Typically don’t on Saturday’s, was going to just eat cheetos on a beanbag chair all day, but after taking a shot of Anadrol I felt driven so hit some Bi’s and Shoulders 🙂

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@UNITED looking jacked Bro! Any shows coming up?

I hit back 8 sets of dead lifts 😭😫 chest, shoulders, legs (squats and lunges) fuck me and then triceps.
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Well, I was going to… Now I’m going to eat cytomel on a beanbag chair. Mature muscle, and it looks like your going for a certain look, that’s a compliment, your frame looks like you can hold even more muscle(know you said you were doing a photo shoot recently) I never thought I’d appreciate the more aesthetic physiques. Its actually harder to get big keeping the waist tight.
We as going to gym by5 a.m. but might have that flu that’s going around the world. If I start to feel better going to blast shoulders
Keep working out I stopped and now its been 3wks.
I believe that I could have recovered quicker from the flu if I wouldn’t have stopped training and kept taking gear. As soon as I felt sick I stopped everything looking back I think that my immune system would have been stronger.
Good luck brother I hope it passes you by