SB Labs

First phase of my next training routine

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Weight 263
Blood pressure 138/85
Bloodsugar. 105

Hgh 3iu preworkout. Fasted (optumpharma)
TestP/Npp. 75/50 1cc. (
Cialis preworkout. (

Cardio elliptical 30 min plus 1 resistance


4 exercises done in circuit with 1minute rest between

135lbs x10reps
Wide leg press
225lbs x10reps
Sitting calf raises
45lbs x 10reps
Leg extensions
65lbs x 10reps

This is the first time since 2013 that I have really tried pushing my legs got 3discs lower back degenerated with bulgs/hernias in The two above those I have mostly done cardio And body weight exercises. It felt good and bad. I miss squats and deadlifts so much was always my favorite I am very very stiff once I applied weight and range of motion is inhibited on legpress as I get to bottom my back will not give anymore lots of pressure on it and in my cods no pain however so I am going to continue to push it on small amounts

Post workout hamsterstomp shake with BCAAS and Glutamine

My meals for the day
3 ounces lean ground beef x4
3 ounces pasta x4
3 ounces vegetable x4

Hamsterstomp shake to end day
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Weight 263
Blood pressure 138/78
Bloodsugar. 103

Hgh 3iu fasted preworkout ( Optumpharma)
Cialis preworkout (
Dbol 25mg. (Optumpharma) tired


25 lbs plate x 12 reps 5 seconds of rest till failure

Dumbbell shoulder press
55lbs x8 reps x 3 sets

Barbell upright row
35lbs x 8reps x1set
30lbs x 12reps x1set
25lbs x. 20reps x1set

Dumbbell shrugs
65lbs x 20 reps x 2 sets

Post workout shake hamsterstomp woth BCAAS and glutamine

Meals for today
3 ounces Ground beef x4
3 ounces pasta. x4
3 ounces broccoli. x4

Hamster stomp end of day
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Weight 264
Blood pressure 143/76
Blood sugar. 102

Hgh 3iu fasted preworkout (optumpharma)
TestP/NPP. 75/50. 1cc. (
Cialis. Preworkout (


Ez bar curls

65Lbs. x 2 sets x 15 reps
75lbs. x 1 set x 10 reps

Dumbbell hammer. curl

35lbs x 10 reps x 1 set with 5sec rest between reps to failure

Curl machine

65lbs x 20 reps x 2 sets

Triceps extensions

70lbs x 10 reps x 1 set with 5 sec rest between reps till failure

Close grip bench

135Lbs x 12 reps x 1 set
185lbs. x. 12 reps x 1 set
205lbs. x. 12 reps x. 1 set
225lbs. x 12 reps x 1 set

Skull busters with kettle balls
25lbs x 4sets x failure

140 x2 sets to failure

Hamsterstomp shake with BCAAS and glutamine

3 ounces Ground beef x 4 meals
3 ounces . Pasta. x 4 meals
3 ounces. Veggie. x 4 meals

Hamster stomp end of day
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Do you always do two stomps, and I assume busters are same as crushers?
Saturday and Sunday rested
No hgh or cialis didn’t get to hit legs was super busy. Fasted Saturday on two meals Sunday slept on and off to recoop energy felt fucking awsome too haven’t rested like that in two months had too many side jobs I did eat several meals and cook my food for the week broccoli pasta and ground beef

Weight. 263
Blood pressure. 146/65
Blood sugar. 92

Hgh 3iu fasted pre workout (optumpharma)
TestP/NPP. 75/50. 1cc. (
Cialis. Preworkout.
Dbol 25mg. Preworkout. ( optumpharma)


Chest workout from above

Flat Bench
145lbs x 15 reps
165lbs x 15 reps
195lbs x.10 reps

Incline Flys
35lbs. X. 8 reps
30lbs X. 12 reps
25lbs. X. 20 reps

Incline Dumbell

3 sets. Of 8 reps with 70 dumbbells last set to failure
With partials

Side lateral raises Dumbell

35lbs to failure drop weight to failure 4 sets

Front raises

25lb plate x 15 reps rest 5 seconds and repeat until failure

Dips assist with 140lbs . 2 sets to absolute failure don’t cheat yourself

Keep in mind that I do slow controlled reps both concentric and the eccentric phases keeps the heavy weights off my joints while still burning the
muscle out

Post workout shake
Banana x1
Whey X2 scoop
Almond milk. 12 ounces
Peanut butter. X 1 Tbsp
Blueberries 1/4 cup

Meals for today
Ground beef x3 ounces. x 4
Pasta x 3 ounces x 4
Broccoli x 3 ounces x 4

End of day protein shake

Finally got time to catch up on my log this week focusing on moving up with weight or reps next week I will go all out then swap to next phase high volume
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Yeah I do one post work out and one end of day to be honest I crave the dang things something that is in them makes my body want it like a drug I guess it’s the carbs but ahh it’s like heaven every bite
Busters crushers same thing to me. I find that after I warm up good I can do them with kettle balls without to much pain in the elbows even though they look like they are poking out like a sharp edge
I do them sometimes but I have to wear my bionic arm brace on my left elbow if I do them, also I like doin kickbacks but have to Wear that brace for them
If I don’t warm up right pain is horrible I got some sleeves but when I wear them I have to take them off between sets or I get pumps like the ultimate warrior from wrestling my arms go to sleep
Ok gotcha, most of the time my elbow acts up is randomly, but it will be when I’m reaching for something, I always wear a small Velcro strap when doin any workouts
Going on a 6.0 ls turbo build motor is pretty much done fast 102 intake and tb fast rails and 65 lb injectors. Flat tops 243 heads gonna do an ON3 or Huron speed turbo setup just a small one only want 650-700 WHP on methanol will be third one we done like this and they last several years we got one. Pushing over 1000 RWHP but has callies forged bottom end and diamond pistons
I saw one on an ls site for sale not to long ago Those are some bad ass engines I just don’t know enough about them been mostly Chevy I did build a 5.4 lightning years back turned me away from modular motors it was fast but $$$$$
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Augie was the guy selling his black coupe with a built 2JZ in it. He parted it out I believe.

I’ll be doing a TSP Turbo LS in my next project.

Sorry didn’t mean to hi Jack the thread. :man_facepalming:t2:
Hijack away i love talking speed. That was a beautiful car we got two foxbodys. Waiting around for ls swaps already done one just to get the feel nothing special Just carberated one gonna be street car and one is gonna be dragster as we can’t get a title it was at junkyard I drove it out no dents interior pretty nice but title says crushed we took drivetrain out and put it in a 67 mustang I think it was so just chassis now waiting on a tub and turbo baby
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Weight. 262
Blood pressure 142/74
Blood sugar 105

Hgh 3iu Fasted ( optumpharma) blue top
Cialis pre workout (

30 min cardio on elliptical up 1 from yesterday to increase resistance


Pull ups assisted 2 warm up sets to failure

Seated row
150lbs x 2sets x 12 reps
160lbs x 1set. x 10reps

Dumbbell row
65lbs x 3sets x 12reps

Underhand lat pull down
140lbs x 2sets x 15reps

Dumbbell last pullover
75lbs x 1set x 8reps
70lbs x 1set x 12reps
65lbs x 1set x 20reps
130lbs x 3sets x failure

Post workout shake was Johns world famous hamster stomp with BCAA AND GLUTAMINE

My meals for the day
3 ounces lean ground beef x4
3 ounces pasta x4
3 ounces vegetable x4

Hamsterstomp shake to end day
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Weight 261
Blood pressure 145/70
Bloodsugar. 103

Hgh 3iu fasted preworkout ( Optumpharma)
Cialis preworkout (
NPP/TestP. 75/50. 1cc (


25 lbs plate x 15 reps 5 seconds of rest till failure

Dumbbell shoulder press
60lbs x8 reps x 3 sets

Barbell upright row
40lbs x 8reps x1set
35lbs x 12reps x1set
30lbs x. 20reps x1set

Dumbbell shrugs
70lbs x 20 reps x 2 sets

Post workout shake hamsterstomp woth BCAAS and glutamine

Meals for today
3 ounces Ground beef x4
3 ounces pasta. x4
3 ounces broccoli. x4

Hamster stomp end of day
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It’s good put a cup or two of ice in it whichever you like makes for a hell of good time kinda gives the feel of ice cream so I don’t crave any sweets
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