SB Labs

First phase of my next training routine

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Weight 260
Blood pressure 144/68
Bloodsugar. 105

Hgh 3iu preworkout. Fasted (optumpharma)
Cialis preworkout. (

Cardio elliptical 30 min plus 1 resistance


4 exercises done in circuit with 1minute rest between

145lbs x10reps
Wide leg press
245lbs x10reps
Sitting calf raises
55lbs x 10reps
Leg extensions
70lbs x 10reps

Post workout hamster shake with BCAAS AND GLUTAMINE

meals for today
Beef pasta and broccoli
3ounces of each at 4 meals per day

If you notice a blood pressure spike it was /is. Really want off of the type of blood pressure med I’m on it makes my lower legs swell and hurt. First attempt to come off unsuccessful. I went down to fast tried to quit it cold turkey. I’m gonna cut it by 2.5 for a month and see what happens
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Weight 260
Blood pressure. 139/72
Blood sugar. 102

Hgh 3iu fasted preworkout (optumpharma)
TestP/NPP. 75/50. 1cc. (
Cialis. Preworkout (


Ez bar curls

70lbs . x 2 sets x 15 reps
80lbs x 1 set x 10 reps

Dumbbell hammer. curl

40lbs x 10 reps x 1 set with 5sec rest between reps to failure

Curl machine

70lbs x 20 reps x 2 sets

Triceps extensions

75lbs x 10 reps x 1 set with 5 sec rest between reps till failure

Close grip bench

155lbs x 12 reps x 1 set
195lbs x. 10reps x 1 set
215lbs x. 10reps x. 1 set
245lbs x 10 reps x 1 set

Skull busters with kettle balls
25lbs x 4sets x failure

130 x2 sets to failure

Hamsterstomp shake with BCAAS and glutamine

3 ounces Ground beef x 4 meals
3 ounces . Pasta. x 4 meals
3 ounces. Veggie. x 4 meals

Hamster stomp end of day
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So I totally farmed my leg workout this morn haven’t squatting since 2013 got started this morn and ended up doing 425 for singles no knee wraps or belt. And I know better I just miss squats and dead’s so much I got carried away like a dog chasing a squirrel was gonna work my way up a little at a time Felt good but after my legs cramped like a mofo they haven’t had that kinda beating in years
315 and up was my belt and knee wraps not that I couldn’t do it but don’t want to blow a knee my gear bro had surgery on his last year and they were like you will be back to normal in two weeks. Uhm no was like 3 months
I usually want to end my last week before changing routine an all out effort but work and side work prevented me from doing it so I finished off the week with an arm shoulder day with super set drop sets and back leg day with superset drop sets to get job done
Here is next phase workout routine I will be starting this week

HV Training

While you are in the gym please give your MAXIMUM EFFORT, you are taking plenty of rest days now for recovery. It is your job to make the best of these workouts and follow each detail, don’t just go through the motions.


Chest & Tri

-Flat Dumbell Press
(All build up sets increasing weight to an all out heavy heavy work set)
MAKE SURE to control the negative!!!
1 build up set 15 reps
1 build up set 12 reps
1 build up set 8 reps
1 HEAVY ALL OUT set 6-9 reps
-Pec Dec
2 sets of 15
1 triple drop set to failure each time
-Incline dumbell Press/fly
1 set press 8 reps
1 set fly 15 reps
1 set press 12 reps
1 set fly 20 reps
4 total sets its not a superset or giant set
(rest between sets)
-decline barbell press
1 set 12 reps
Increase weight 1 set 8 reps
1 set ALL OUT 20 reps
-Stretch on a incline bench in the fly position hold the Dumbells in the stretched position for 45 seconds
-Dumbell 1 arm behind the head tricep extensions
10 reps per arm swap arms 10 reps and repeat the cycle until you have reached 30 per arm
2 sets
-Push Down/DIP machine
Triple drop set to failure
2 sets, fail around 10 each time
-Straight Bar tricep push downs
2 sets 20 reps

Back & Bi

-Dumbell Pull Overs
(All build up sets increasing weight to an all out heavy heavy work set)
1 build up set 15 reps
1 build up set 12 reps
1 build up set 8 reps
1 HEAVY ALL OUT set 6-9 reps
-Tbar Rows
Pull to your belly button
1 build up set 12 reps
1 HEAVY build up set 10 reps
1 HEAVY set ALL OUT 6-10 reps, after you get your reps to failure stand up 10 seconds rest. Then try to get 2-5 more reps!
-VBar Lat Pull Downs
3 sets of 15 reps
-Over hand barbell rows (close grip, just inside shoulder width)
1 set 12 reps
Increase weight 1 set 8 reps
Increase weight 1 set ALL OUT 6-9 reps
-Lat pull downs behind the head
3 sets 15 reps
-Deadlifts from the floor
5 sets of 5
-Straight Bar Curls, sitting on the edge of bench
(hands inside shoulder width)
3 sets of 15 reps
1 set over hand Barbell curls, thumbs up 20 reps

Legs & calves

-Sitting leg curls/banded
10 full reps then 10 partials (top half)
3 sets
-leg press weight on top tier
(feet at bottom of the platform, feet together)
20,15,10,50,50,50+ (6 sets)
-Hack squat
1 build up set 12 reps
1 HEAVY build up set 8-10 reps
1 HEAVY set ALL OUT 6-10 reps, after you get your reps to failure stand up 10 seconds rest. Then try to get 2-5 more reps!
-Smith machine squats
(Feet 6-8 inches apart, CLOSE STANCE)
3 sets of 8
-laying leg curl superset with hip adductor
10 full reps w/ 10 partial-curls (legs together)
3 sets
-leg extensions superset with walking lunges
20 extensions
10 lunges per leg
3 sets
-sitting calf raise
10 reps rest 10 seconds
20 reps rest 20 seconds
30 reps rest 30 seconds
3 sets

Shoulders & Traps

-Dumbell shoulder press
(All build up sets increasing weight to an all out heavy heavy work set)
1 build up set 15 reps
1 build up set 12 reps
1 build up set 10 reps
1 HEAVY ALL OUT set 6-9 reps
-Barbell Upright Row (shoulder width grip)
1 build up set 15 reps
1 HEAVY build up set 8-10 reps
1 HEAVY set ALL OUT 6-10 reps, after you get your reps to failure stand up 10 seconds rest. Then try to get 2-5 more reps!
-Standing bent over reverse Dumbell flys
15 reps increasing weight each set
3 sets
-Reverse Pec Dec
3 sets of 15
-Sitting Dumbell Side Laterals
8 sets of 10 with 25 seconds rest between sets
-Barbell Shrugs
1 build up set 15 reps
1 HEAVY build up set 10 reps
1 HEAVY set ALL OUT 6-10 reps, after you get your reps to failure stand up 10 seconds rest. Then try to get 2-5 more reps!


-EZ bar curls
1 build up set 15 reps
1 HEAVY set 10-12 reps
1 descending set FAILURE (20 ish)
-1 arm dumbell standing alternate curls
(You will alternate each arm until there has been 15 per arm and then you will squeeze out 5 more reps both arms at same time)
3 sets
-Dumbell hammer curls
3 HEAVY sets 15 reps
-curl machine
20 reps with 10 partials
2 sets
-Dumbell 1 arm behind the head extensions
10 reps per arm swap arms 10 reps and repeat the cycle until you have reached 30 per arm
3 sets
-Decline EZ bar scull crushers
3 sets 15
-Dips superset with dumbell kick backs
Dips failure
Kick backs 20 per arm
4 sets
-Rope push downs
1st set slow and controlled 15 heavy reps
2nd set hold in the squeeze position for 2 seconds and slowly let weight down and then explode in down motion 12-15 reps
3rd set pick a weight you can do 12-15 reps max… And I want you to get it 50 times all you got left in the tank… Taking as few breaks as possible
4th set repeats 3rd set!
They should be PUMPED

Ham Emphasis Leg

-Barbell stiff leg dead lift
(All build up sets increasing weight to an all out heavy heavy work set)
1 build up set 15 reps
1 build up set 12 reps
1 build up set 10 reps
1 HEAVY ALL OUT set 6-9 reps
-laying leg curls
3 sets of 20
-Leg Press
Feet as high up and wide as possible, toes out!
Slow negative reps and deeeeeeeep
1 feel set of 15
7 sets of 8 with 30 seconds rest between set
-Sitting Leg Curl
12 reps rest 10 seconds, 12 reps rest 15 seconds, 15 reps done!
3 sets
-leg press calf raise (alternating feet)
25 reps left foot swap 25 reps right foot, repeat that cycle until you have done 150 per foot
Fast reps
2 sets
-smith machine calf raise, standing flat on ground then all the way up on TIP TOES
Increase weight each set
1st set 40 reps
2nd set 30 reps
3rd set 20 reps


Weight. 261
Blood pressure 138/84
Blood sugar. 108

Starting to ramp up for cycle @Optumpharma will be switching to the quantropin this week I will get my stats up again too for pre cycle I have made good gains just using just for trt doses

Hgh 5iu. (Optum pharma blue tops)
Sustanon 400. 1/2 cc (Optum pharma )
Tren Ace 100. 1/2 cc (Optum pharma )
Dbol 7.5 mg. ( Optum pharma )
Hcg. 500 iu. (Optum pharma )

Chest & Tri

-Flat Dumbell Press
(All build up sets increasing weight to an all out heavy heavy work set)
MAKE SURE to control the negative!!!
1 build up set 15 reps
1 build up set 12 reps
1 build up set 8 reps
1 HEAVY ALL OUT set 6-9 reps
-Pec Dec
2 sets of 15
1 triple drop set to failure each time
-Incline dumbell Press/fly
1 set press 8 reps
1 set fly 15 reps
1 set press 12 reps
1 set fly 20 reps
4 total sets its not a superset or giant set
(rest between sets)
-decline barbell press
1 set 12 reps
Increase weight 1 set 8 reps
1 set ALL OUT 20 reps
-Stretch on a incline bench in the fly position hold the Dumbells in the stretched position for 45 seconds
-Dumbell 1 arm behind the head tricep extensions
10 reps per arm swap arms 10 reps and repeat the cycle until you have reached 30 per arm
2 sets
-Push Down/DIP machine
Triple drop set to failure
2 sets, fail around 10 each time
-Straight Bar tricep push downs
2 sets 20 reps

Johns outmotherfuckingstanding hamster stomp with BCAAS AND GLUTAMINE
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Lost a week of training guys Work and side work got crazy. Came at a good time I guess trying to put a positive spin on it I got an impingement in left shoulder no loss in ROM or strength so rest was good. For it not to mention made 10k in side work
So that’s a plus as well. I put myself into major calorie restriction with fasting while unable to go and my weight has reflected so let’s get back to it

Weight 255
Blood pressure. 130/82
Blood sugar. 107

Hgh 3iu. (Optum pharma ) The new new
Sustanon 400. 1/2 cc (Optum pharma )
Tren Ace 100. 1/2 cc (Optum pharma )
Dbol 7.5 mg. ( Optum pharma )
Hcg. 500 iu. (Optum pharma )

Chest & Tri

-Flat Dumbell Press
(All build up sets increasing weight to an all out heavy heavy work set)
MAKE SURE to control the negative!!!
1 build up set 15 reps
1 build up set 12 reps
1 build up set 8 reps
1 HEAVY ALL OUT set 6-9 reps
-Pec Dec
2 sets of 15
1 triple drop set to failure each time
-Incline dumbell Press/fly
1 set press 8 reps
1 set fly 15 reps
1 set press 12 reps
1 set fly 20 reps
4 total sets its not a superset or giant set
(rest between sets)
-decline barbell press
1 set 12 reps
Increase weight 1 set 8 reps
1 set ALL OUT 20 reps
-Stretch on a incline bench in the fly position hold the Dumbells in the stretched position for 45 seconds
-Dumbell 1 arm behind the head tricep extensions
10 reps per arm swap arms 10 reps and repeat the cycle until you have reached 30 per arm
2 sets
-Push Down/DIP machine
Triple drop set to failure
2 sets, fail around 10 each time
-Straight Bar tricep push downs
2 sets 20 reps

Hamsterstomp shake with BCAAS and glutamine

3 ounces Ground beef x 4 meals
3 ounces . Pasta. x 4 meals
3 ounces. Veggie. x 4 meals

Hamsterstomp at the end of day
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So update had to pause cycle. Work side work got crazy I got to make money when there is money to make I have stayed on a maintenance diet and went to my trt protocol with hcg still taking the hgh
Slowed gum down to 3times a week circuit just to stay in some form of shape. Until about two weeks ago I Had an incident with my hand and all I did was open a garage door

The good
Impingement in shoulder is better feel like some of the aches and pains have subsided

The bad
I have tore something in my left hand middle two fingers stay numb and grip is gone went to doc they are talking carpel tunnel and surgery my hands are beat up from being a mechanic any way so I’m at an impasse

Going to try and give it another two weeks and see if it gets better before I try and use it for lifting it’s all I can do to hold a wrench I have a friend getting the surgery done in a month I wanna see how he does before I react I’m not real fond of being cut on
Life happens to us all this is why I haven’t done a full fledge cycle in a while because I never seem to get to dedicate what I feel is the right amount of effort and time and not just take stuff just to take it
So tests results in from EMG test which I already knew but apparently I have really bad carpal tunnel in both hands along with arthritis they wanna do surgery I don’t my grip is becoming worse it seems I can barely hold on to things anyone had any experience with it or the surgery I have been doing PT stretches and they hurt like hell but do help some only temporary @NeuroRN what kinda recovery is surgery and if you do the same thing that got you there in first place is it worth it
I think a lot of people have great recovery. I’m not terribly familiar with the procedure, ortho surgery wasn’t ever my thing. But if your surgeon is good it will give you the relief you seek plus the regain of strength.

As far as is it worth it if you’re going back to doing the same thing? I say yes, but on the assumption that you will have pain relief and get your grip back. You will be able to the job that gave it to you, obviously doing your stretching and strengthening routinely will delay the process from occurring again.

If survey got you back to 80-90% and you could keep that through PT for a long period I would say it’s worth it.

This is an excellent question to ask your surgeon and even the PT you see. How do I prevent this from happening again, bc I have to do the same job.
I’ve known 2 people that had it done. They both said it was worth doing but you won’t ever be good as new. They didn’t lift so I can’t say how bad it affected grip strength.
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