Why Do YOU Use Gear?

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Just as the title states. Why do you use gear? What are your goals? Let’s hear the ‘why’ behind for everyone!
I feel a lot more people use gear than don’t. Many individuals think it is only the giant competitive bodybuilders that are on some sort of compound, but that is far from the truth!
I’m older. There’s a point where your body just doesn’t perform as it did before. My lifestyle and physical requirements needed for what I do it’s needed. Plus who doesn’t want to lift a Buick now and again… and lastly it makes me feel good and appreciate the hard work even more. While AAS helps. It still takes hard fucking work. People think it’s a magic pill or shot. And it’s not. It’s a supplement. Period.
I started in college, I threw shot put at the amazingly tall height of 5’10”, I didn’t have the height and leverage some of the other guys had, but I was still hungry to compete! I used them to help maximize my strength and my speed, thus increasing my power! When I was done with that, I began competitive powerlifting, I quickly realized that unless I was competing in rested meets, I needed a level playing field, so I continued my use. Now that I’m retired from all competition and awaiting a hip replacement, I use gear to feel good. It’s like TBU said, at a certain age, the body does not perform as it once did. I know I’m only 39, but through sports and competition my body is tired, lots of things hurt that probably shouldn’t, case in point my left hip that will be getting replaced in 4 weeks! Testosterone makes everything feel better, a low dose of NPP e.o.d. Really makes everything feel better. I do manual labor for work, every day, I’m a steam fitter, welder, you don’t stay young in this trade! I’m a lot more cautious with my use now than I was when I was younger, and still competition driven, I keep doses low for the most part… but I’d like to keep that edge until the day they put me in the ground!
It feels good - TEST is best!
Over the years the reasons have changed from being a FUCKING AGGRESSIVE monster to enjoying the periodic increases in libido, endurance, and feel good vibes.
My late 20s had cycles like sust 250 eod with dbol breakfast lunch and dinner. Now i run test like 125 EOD and avoid orals…
Different goals at 50
Only reason I ever started PED was because I wanted to see what was possible for my body, results were amazing with my diet and here I am and never looked back! HARD FUCKING WORK!
You’d be surprised id put my money on the 75% of the guys in the gym are either on or used before. But when diet and training is outta line you would never know. I got this guy in the gym I go to past year I’ve been checking him out, classic signs of at least test usage,acne, vascularity etc… But I shit you not I don’t think this guy gained a pound and physique is the same past 15 months, looks like a teenager just starting out. It just goes to show you who is actually educated in AAS usage and the guy who uses it cause his buddy said he’ll get big as fuck.
Gettin’ large af and making that intermediate phase as short as possible. Got started late in the iron game and I got a deficit to overcome in terms of athleticism. I’ll take any help I can get at my age.

Being physically attractive is a huge advantage in today’s society – bigger than being strong imho, but being strong has its benefits too. In terms of being large, I’d much rather just look intimidating af
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