Why take an ARB? Why Telmisartan?

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So for those with no hypertension,how about those who have it,what about losartsn,omersartan,things of that class
My doc told me, recently, that some of my renal markers might rise a bit (negatively) but the nephrology folks have deducted through many in-depth studies that the long term benefits outweigh the minor fluctuations of the markers.

I have dropped all orals except cialis so we’ll see how i fare. I have labs again in a few weeks.
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So after a few weeks and monitoring my BP daily, 20mg of Telmisartan did not lower it at all as I am still around 130/71.

This was expected and the Doc gave me the green light to titrate up to 40mg daily (before bed for best results).

I expect to see BP drop into the low 120s after a few more weeks. :crossed_fingers:t3:
No way in hell should you take a blood pressure drug with bp that low!!! All drugs have negative aspects! I don’t care what you’re talking about.
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