Worst PIP I've ever felt


I’ve been on TRT for 4 years now and cycling the last 2 years…
Today, I experienced quite possibly the worst PIP ever.
I’m pretty sure alcohol went in to the injection site…
Let me explain, I usually pin as soon as I wake up, just before I head to the gym (at 430am)
I had ran out of alcohol wipes and thought I’d just use some rubbing alcohol and one of the GF’s cotton face pad thingys…
Nothing else was new this morning, same vial and all…
It happened right at the end of the pin, I think as I attempted to squeeze the last bit out (inadvertently pushing the needle in more) there was some alcohol that hadn’t dried up yet that was toward the bottom/base of the needle, it quite literally almost dropped me to the floor.
I could feel the burn all the way down my leg, ass cheek turned red and all.
Laid on my bed sweating and hoping the pain would subside. It did, drug my ass to the gym at about 5.

I hope that’s all it was, only thing that was different. Anyone else did stupid shit like that?

Long story short, use alcohol wipes like you’re supposed to. That shit hurts.
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Sometimes we just simply hit or Knick a nerve that’s all. It happened to me on a shot the other day in my shoulder as soon as I darted it it stung and at the end when I pulled it out and it hurt like a mother. I rubbed it for a few shook it off and went on about my day.

You’re good to go you didn’t die. Live to pin another day
I would most like say you hit a nerve brotha, did the muscle feel like it was twitching when pushing the pin in? I just recall a handful of times in the kitchen I would cut my self during a busy shift and had to just dump some vodka on it or whatever was accessible at the time, and never has it been so bad it almost dropped me to the floor, yea shit hurt but not dibelatating. So I would put my money on a nerve.
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My muscles always seem to twitch as I pin, especially in the quads.
This was a glute pin, it twitched a little… But mostly felt like a burning sensation.
You def have more nerves in the quad but you still have em in your glutes as well, sometimes it twitches to the point to where it feels like the muscle is trying to push the pin out lol, how does it feel now has it mostly subsided now?
It feels ‘different’, like it doesn’t hurt, more along the lines of discomfort… But i usually get that with Tren Ace for most of the day… I just power through that…
Your good man as long as the injection site doesn’t feel hot to the touch of discolered you should be fine. Now I’m not a Dr. by any means this is just from personal experience if it does get worst I most def see your Dr
I agree with ya man, I’m positive I’m golden. I’ll keep my eye out.
Just thought I’d share the story, wondered if anyone had been through similar situations… haha.
Definitely nerve like they all said and it does suck like ass. I think my wife has perfected hitting every nerve location I have through some X-ray vision she has before she pins me. Now when I pin myself and there’s no PIP, I feel like I didn’t get the injection if it didn’t/doesn’t hurt. 😂
I usually get a “sting” on injecting if there is excess alcohol at the site. I’ve also had what you’re describing. Often deep when using a 1.5 inch pin. I started inserting the needle very slowly, and if I felt a twinge at all, I would alter course. I haven’t really had the problem since I switched to 1 inch pins. Winging a nerve sucks, and for me, it would hurt for a day or so then just feel “itchy”. lol.
Honestly I had the same thing happen to me not that long ago. For some reason it only happens when I’m using my glute as the injection site. When ever I do delts or quads I never have an issue. Since that happened tho I’ve switched to alcohol pads and haven’t had an issue. Another thing that helped me with pip was heating my oil next to a light(ghetto I know) but I only did that until I purchased my heating pad solely for the purpose of warming up my gear before injections too!
I e hit a few nerves before the worst was in my trap. I pinned and as soon as I hit it sharp pain and a small jerk. The next few days it was like someone frogged my entire arm. Just gotta get in the gym and work it out. Sometimes I find working the muscle out I pinned the best thing. It’s like a weird painful massage.