SB Labs

Worst PIP I've ever felt

Any of you sick mother fuckers pin a calf? The guy I learned from back in the day tried to sell me on if you pin in a certain area it grows faster. He pinned calves… I watched him hobble around for a couple days. I was like what the fuck is wrong with you?!?
I had this happen. It nicked a nerve. It felt like fire all the way down to my finger tips. I lied in bed for 10 minutes wondering how I was going to make it to work. That’s was nasty bad pain! It was a tricep shot.
im a puss i only use quads glutes vent. glutes and delts at the moment. im been thinking of doing my lats cause they stick out pretty far and it seems like it would be pretty easy
Lol site injection doesn’t work bro. I shoot calves just to have another place to inject. If you use .5cc or less it doesn’t hurt as bad. They still hurt though
I have a tendency to hit the nerve in my quad. My whole quad involuntarily contracts! Ive found if I dont inject the solution I wont have any ongoing pain but when I did it was bad- swelling and lots of pip!!
I did too at first, but a few more shots found the perfect spot. Just gotta move around a little and test places. It’s really a easy pain free spot unless I do it sitting then it kills me. I ha e to do quads standing.