SB Labs

Worst PIP I've ever felt


I know. My wife’s son has a big ole fro going. With the sides shaved. Pretty soon the Gumby will be back… LoL
I was incredibly lean in 2018. Then I had a disk in my spine break and the broken piece got wedged against the nerves. I was in the most severe pain imaginable for a month and pretty bad pain for many months. I went natural and lost everything even though I trained consistently except for the one month of hell. Training didn’t help without hormones after being on them for 23 years. The past 8 months I’ve been on HRT and I’ve been eating a lot of calories to grow. Getting big again but I’m the fattest I’ve ever been. I cool with it. Just happy to be big and strong again. Too afraid to push the doses like I always did in the past.
That sounds real shitty my friend…lots to be learned from vets like you, such as NOT doing those higher doses, and focus on eating,lifting, and sleep, I read everything that’s on here, but there are a few guys I pay real close attention to all that they say, and now your one of them, not that you give a shit, I’m just sayin.
But who knows that early on,I still had a flip phone when I was introduced to this stuff, just did what the src told me to, never thought about eating enough or my work ethic in the gym.
I think that it’s a big issue for me. I rock the gym and I’m sticking to the conservative dosing through all of you guys and your recommendations/experiences, and diet (i.e. Macros) are fairly on point 90% of the time, but I’m starting to think I’m not eating enough calories and should be upping my portions throughout the day. My biggest fear was putting on dirty weight, and I was trying to do this clean and lean as possible.