SB Labs

Worst PIP I've ever felt

Odd, I haven’t hit anything yet in the quad.
I’ve found higher portion on the quad seems to do really well. I almost always do it sitting down, I also make sure the muscles is relaxed.
I still have yet to pin quads, but I will have to pull my tampon out very soon and just dive in. Maybe this week.

Still pretty sure I’m skipping calves, lats, and biceps though.
It’s swells them up and creates a ball of tissue that gets bigger and bigger, but that eventually causes necrosis. My arms were real good looking but when I finally stopped the site injections. They slowly shrunk over a year. Now, I’m just training them hard to get the muscle back from shrunken dead tissue.
I did the arm shots as an experiment. I had horrible arm genetic, and after 22 years of non stop training they just sucked. I noticed in the night clubs the guys with big arms got so much attention. So I blew up my arms and low and behold I got tons of attention. Girls coming up to me saying they wanted to rub their pussy all over my bicep and cum all over it. Haha.
Mmmm not sure how much you used or what but I would only do max 1/2 cc I just use it to rotate sites and don’t think site injection really works. Like you state it basically cause inflammation
Holy shit bro that’s a lot no wonder you had issues. Hope it’s all healed now
I’m was hell bent on being a freak. I wanted to be a pro.
There are still small lumps but they aren’t visible. I always believed inject deep under the muscle to push it up and out hiding the obviously swollen tissue.

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