28 days to go time

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Yes sir! Just heard from Evan diet is getting Even tighter with the exception of Monday and Thursday night.
My meal 5 will be…
1/2 cup cream of rice with 1 tbs coconut oil, 1 tablespoon honey.
1 8oz sweet potato
1 box gluten free vans waffles with 1/8 cup maple syrup.
That all sounds amazing right now
Who knows? Threw me for a loop. Was hoping all would just stay the same
He also might be trying to slow down the fat loss a little bit. Your hella lean now maybe this is a way to time your body fat % to not drop out until closer to stage time. Your still a month out and pretty lean now as it is.
How’s your routine coming?
Yeah could be. Mandatories are coming along. Have not started night routine yet.
You look like a totally different person then this time last year. You still looked good then but now you look like a real bb. You are a real bb. Keep it up brother.
Oh My God Reaction GIF
I have to say, boy I know my stuff…hahaha. 184. You can go middle at 176. Night and day from the back at 184vfrom 194. You appear to be doing stuff right. I don’t know what you’ll cut out last 10 days. If you get 24 or more hours to predjudging from weigh in that would be great. Your still full, look bigger, and delts backside excellent. If you weigh in early, 176, do whatever your gonna do. Fill out a bit. Winner at middle and overall. Very good look. Your poses are better too. I always start at calves with pics and cut out rest of body. Then move up. Then everything together, this way your eyes don’t focus on the wow body part. You are even. I think if you try a few lat spreads and blow out you stomach(from the rear) your lower back will come out also hands on thighs right before and lat spread is to spread them, if you tighten too much your pose will look worse. Your last are fuckin separated just look at the side serratus oblique shot. Get dark and no question you will win. Masters for sure open for sure. The last shot you look 195 pounds in that lighting… Great job. And I love that your guy is tightening the diet. When you feel like a skinny bastard in clothes…your there. Do the bigger show too. IMO. Keep posing. Mandatories, time to get rid of mirror pretty soon too. Just your coach.
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