SB Labs

Time for a Dirty cut 2024

Weighed my self when I got home and only lost 2 pounds this weekend. Stayed good on hydration and was able to get a few real meals in like this pizza
I e gone half asshole
Diet wise and full
Asshole training. Right now if I’m being honest I don’t even care about my meet I signed up for. I’ll get back at it. But I kind of just feel like lifting to be in decent looking shape for being out and socializing at these events. If I lived somewhere with better lifting culture and gad a partner to train with it’s probably be something I would be more into but I’ve grown tired of going in and training by myself. Makes it really hard to push it especially in time like now where I kind of don’t give a fuck about any of it
Dirtnasty said:
But I kind of just feel like lifting to be in decent looking shape for being out and socializing at these events
I get that.

Warning: broken record again… you’re well on the way… you looked great in your last photo you posted. Just think of a full 12 months of straight up bodybuilding.
When u say look good not even building muscle maybe downsize to like 260. I don’t know I’m just kind of been in this funk of not caring about gym the whole year. I’ve had streaks when I sign up for something then back to not caring
For me and me only… I posted somewhere here not long ago that when I get in a funk like that. I usually eck out 2 gym sessions a week of med/light pump work. I have 2 personal templates that work for me. They at least keep me at a jumping off point.
At 260 you would be light. I’m thinking one year of bbing and ending up a pretty lean 270. Not ripped lean but between 10 and 15% bf. Maybe 265 at that bf.
Heck if you started focusing on size for your legs (quads) you might be 275 below 15 bf.

I remember when kroc went from pling to bbing that was one of the things he had to work on was quads n hams. He was strong as an ox but his legs lacked size for bbing
Problem is I won’t train legs hard enough if I’m just by myself. I think the issue really comes down to I got to certain levels that I probably won’t go much higher than and now I just feel alone at the gym. Most the people that were lift with similar intensity have moved away and I just don’t think I’m getting what I need socially out of the experience anymore. Like I said lifting has never been my passion so it makes it hard for me to go do the work when the one thing I needed from is no longer there. I’m going to start getting I. The gym at earlier time this weekend and maybe be tired for a bit til my body switches over and it if it doesn’t work. I’ll just drop to test only and see if a three day fluff split works for me
That’s why I joined the gym after first wife left. I was going to work taking care of kids and working out at the house. I was basically a hermit. So I joined the gym so I could talk to adults outside of work.
I’m not a very social creature by nature. I have very few moments where I’m actually wanting to be around people. But at this stage of my life having a gym to go to forces me to get out and be around people.

I just kinda went through this same phase as @Dirtnasty not really sure why all of a sudden I was ready to be back at it. But some times you just need some time away and sometimes you just need to silence your inner skinny bitch and go to the gym any way. I have no idea which time is which but I think you’ll know.
I’m here doing back I got six lifts with 4 sets each today and I just think that’s too much volume for me right now I’ll probably cut one of the back movements out u less I feel good after the fourth lift
Got 405 for 6 with first 3 being paused reps. I don’t know what it is but it always seems like I can’t get my triceps to fire correctly I’ll fail on lockout and then it’s like I don’t my triceps were being used at all