Time for a Dirty cut 2024

If you time it right it can help getting out of hole but then you have to worry about the shit slamming back down again. I know John haack says he doesn’t like them for the reason above. Will be interesting if the different feel makes difference come comp
Well got my squat bar and I don’t think I can use it. The shaft isn’t long enough I believe right now to get hands outside of racks I didn’t really look at specs that hard and well it’s got short full length and long loadable sleeves than last bar
There’s slight differences in squat and deadlift bars. Good news is If it comes to point of them wanting to lock it up I found it does fit in car with back seat and front seat down. I may heave just enough room to fit my fingers on bar like I do it anyways with the claw grip of two fingers up and two fingers below bar find out tonight when I go to gym. Slept in today so I’m behind schedule
My fears were realized I need like 2 extra inches on bar. Will try squats tomorrow with it then decide if I’m going to return it or just find place I can use it haha
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Did you try it?

Maybe sell it as new without the s&h… someone would be saving a little money.
I’ll probably just try and earn to use it or let it be gift for anybody else looking for better bar to squat with. With no gf I’m saving more than 400 a month anyways haha
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Hahaha you sound like me… just as soon give something away and make a friends life better than selling it.

“Keep your jingle…stay single”
So I’ve kind of just settled on the cut of doing maintenance workouts are better but may not get to as lean as I should have. If I decide that this upcoming meet is my last I’ll do this thing proper after it. Once I decided to enter a meet if got tougher mentally for me to want to lose weight and strength knowing I’m goig to just try and get right back up to same weight. Also trying to enjoy my self socially on weekends after being single again didn’t help. Only two more workouts left.
My opinion… you’ve proven yourself on the platform already. You’re at the point of tweaking your form and meet prep to break your own pr’s and get higher global ranking.

My Broken record…I really really want to see you in a straight up hypertrophy phase for a long period of time. Like maybe 6-12 months of straight up bodybuilding or at least a powerbuilding Template.
Looking great @Dirtnasty…big and veiny. Just been playing catch up on your log.
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Thanks If I slowly put the weight back on I maybe able
To look even bigger and veinier. Since I’ve been single my consistency has taken a hit. But I I figured fuck it I needed the socializing after this weekend I’ll be on point then slight fuckery for July 4th then it will be on till meet. See if we can break last years sober streak