I would say your leaner than 15 also to put on 30 pounds woth 24 of it being muscle would be a crazy transformation. Even enhanced that’s probably two years worth of cycles
Lighting and angles are a sob. Yea would take a long time which is good. Never been a huge eater. Haven been force feeding lately lowest i was is 155 i could fit in 30 in jeans bend over no binding now aame jeans are snug along could be the long underwear as well. Ficking cold in the midwest ft of snow on the ground had a frozen well yesterday to fix. Currently around 163. Typically eating 3 times a day. 11pm after morning chores and make sure there in no emergencies at the farm. 4pm right after afternoon chores and cattle are taken care of for the night and 8 which is dinner biggest meal of the day and again typically at 10 or 11 snack before bed.
Typically 11 meal is fast food. Geting around 800 cals 35 g protein. 4 pm meal is a protein and rice normally. 650 cals or so 30 g protein. Dinner at 8. Depends if i cook or my parents of friends. That meal varies so much. Anywhere from 400 cals to 1200 cals. Kinda depends on how much shit i got into in the day and food options. The night meal is around 1000 calories when all said and done. Would be a snack such as grilled cheese and tomatoe soup. Cereal protein shake etc junk. 80 g of protein always in last meal.
So bloodwork and test levels is different for everyone. Even normal is a huge range (300-900ish)
Me personally I had prebloods done and my test was 240, and I’m 27. So I had a huge issue. Most guys my age don’t have test deficiencies in the slightest. So on TRT I went
I got back to 649 after my last pct when I got down to 39 using lgd so that would be my base level now at 35 I’m just going to blast and cruise every once and while take 6 week break before cycle to clean receptors out and get all can get
I didn’t see where you eat breakfast. Gotta have breakfast brother. Maybe eat a pack of pop tarts in between meals. The tarts have been known to pack it on.
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