SB Labs

Time to Right the Ship

JB_rD81 said:
he wants to visit EVERY place around town rather than just move into the REALLY nice one thats brand new and 5 min from my house
I believe that’s in the pain in the ass old guy handbook… he’s just performing his job description.

I know it’s in the old lady handbook. My granny and mother in law were good at it.
This rollercoaster ride called life can go fuck itself sometimes…. That’s my new motto. Walking around at 44 with 2 collapsed shoulders, a fake hip and new pains every day was not my idea of middle aged. Watching my dad go through what he is going through seriously has me questioning if I shouldn’t just bite a bullet “literally” when I’m in my 50’s so I don’t have to experience that and be a burden on my wife or our 3 daughters (2 of whom are back in the dad is bad boat and won’t talk to me). The daughter that still talks to me only does because we give her a free place to live while she finishes grad school, after she graduates I’ll probably never hear from her again either.

Training is unenjoyable at best, every time I get into a grove, something snaps or goes pop or breaks and de rails me… now what used to keep me sane is slowly pushing me passed the verge of insanity . My wife is really on my fucking nerves as of late as well. The woman who used to be SOOOOO GOOD at dieting and prepping for a show during the 20 years she competed in figure has informed me that she wants to take the cheaters way and use Ozempic… all this after crucifying one of her sisters who actually was obese for getting lap band surgery.

3 more days and then I’ll be away from everyone for half a week. I’ll be in State College PA watching one of the few things that still brings me joy, USA wrestling team trials. Hopefully a few former Hawkeyes qualify and not very many former Nittany Lions
Keep on keeping on brother.

Please have your wife use caution with that ozempic. It’s definitely the most powerful med I’ve ever been on.
Got a feeling a lot of lions are making it. I think a year or two my buckeyes maybe able to give them a run in conference but they will probably just reload as they dib
If the rumor I heard about who Iowa is looking to replace TnT with, Penn State better be scared. Spencer Lee will qualify, that’s my biggest hope. After that I really just want to see Starocci, Brooks and Kerkvleit lose

@Poppy I’ve told her she’s stupid, but I reluctantly ordered it for her
My opinion only… start at .25mgs and stay there for 4 weeks e7d… come off for a couple of weeks… wash rinse repeat.

Have her be very wary of her blood sugar and bowel movements.

The 4 weeks above is if she can tolerate it. Ozempic makes lots of folks very sick.

A stool softener/laxative might help.
I’ve found that those little bottles of apple juice are the most helpful for me. It brings my blood glucose up immediately without having to pig out on a half pound of chocolate and peanut butter.
JB_rD81 said:
3 more days and then I’ll be away from everyone for half a week. I’ll be in State College PA watching one of the few things that still brings me joy, USA wrestling team
Sounds like your long overdue for this break bud and that’s super cool you getting to see some wrestling. I’m jealous of that!

Belt squats 4 x 5-8
RDL 4 x 8-12
Split Squat 3 x 8-12
Hip Thrust 3 x 8-12
Leg raises

I feel like life is drowning me… if it’s not my dad, or my wife, or my ungrateful fucking daughters, it’s something else… I try to stay strong for everyone around me, but sometimes I fold and I just want to leave this place for destinations unknown …
Good week of training considering everything going on… keeping my mind clear, chemically if needed. Head space doctor in 2 more days, I’ve needed to get back to her for a few years now, luckily I reached out at the right time