SB Labs

Time to Right the Ship

@JB_rD81 sorry to hear about the shit dawg. my mother drank herself into a alcohol self induced dementia. She’s straight now for the most part. Far as I know she has forgotten to drink alcohol. And as far as the money grubers shit I’m sorry to hear it . Got a dude that knows a dude whos skank trying to take him for everything. Bitch had a therapist sign off and that she is now massively depressed because of the divorce to get out of work. Only married 5 years. No kids. Gets 4k a month… Ran up a 60k credit card bill… Dude has to pay that …You get the picture… May your kindness be returned a 100 fold homeboy…
( I’ve been seeming to use the word massive a lot more lately 🤔)

Read your shit wrong… But ya… That’s great you got the power of attorney man.
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Injuries are like speed bumps… everything going good, everything feeling good… laid back with a 65 lbs dumbbell yesterday to do flat dumbbell presses to end my chest workout and something in my right shoulder popped… pushed out 2 reps just to test, but loss of strength was too great… stand up, rack dumbbells, look in mirror and right shoulder capsule is collapsed… my fucking left shoulder was JUST starting to feel good again and now my right shoulder does it. This one has been surgically repaired twice, there will not be a third, nor will there ever be another shoulder surgery period…

Baby steps again
Other than having very limited ROM in my right arm, I’m alright. Dad is back in the Hospital, so now I gotta get that figured out. My uncle and I are both on board with forcing him to move closer and spend time in a facility until he can build enough strength to be able to get up and move around and get himself off the floor if he falls down
If I’m not mistaken… social security benefits will provide for rehabilitation in a facility and in home care.

We went through it with my mother in law several years ago. There’s a bunch of benefits available.
He’s retired Army, but he’s too fucking proud to rely on VA benefits, so he’s never registered with the local Vetrans Affairs office, nor taken advantage of any of that. He’s got a fucking terrible Medicare Replacement because he still had good insurance through my step mom until she left… now he’s alone in the middle of nowhere, staring at pictures of my fucking worthless cunt of a sister and reading the letters she used to write him. Meanwhile my uncle and I both want him to get his shit together, because he’s only 69, he’s not even fucking old.

I’d love nothing more than to go to the college my sister goes to and just fucking verbally drag her from one side of the campus to the other so all her little liberal fuck tard friends can see what an absolute piece of shit she is… my dad gave that little cunt EVERYTHING she ever wanted, he gave me severe ass whoopings, closed fist beatings, open hand beatings, switches and belts… and yet here I am, trying to hold him up while the golden child pretends he’s dead.
My wife sat down with a hospital administrator in the SS benefit area and they set her mom up.

Just my advice but maybe talk to someone about his situation. At his age he should be able to qualify for all sorts of stuff.

I could be very wrong because that’s some serious fed gov red tape.
Concerning liberals leftists… it’s my experience that you just gotta let them have what they want. Down the road… they will regret everything they spewed out of their cake hole.

Consider the sanctuary cities… the liberals in those cities are now preaching the same narrative that was deemed racist/xenophobic years ago… they wanted it now they have to deal with the fallout.

NY governor has mobilized the National Guard for unbearable crime in subways… what! Everyone has been saying that for years but was racist.

Defund police…yep. Kids Can’t go in the front yard without the possibility of being shot.

Major retailers moving out of cities on the left coast and major metropolitan cess pools because of liberal policies that won’t prosecute shoplifting.
Just found out this morning that dad has had a stroke since he was last in the hospital. Would explain why he seemed off when I went to see him 2 weeks ago, and why he’s seemed off every time I’ve spoken to him the last few days. Social worker is supposed to be helping me figure out some places around me and my uncle that we can place him for a sit stay? (Not sure if I’m saying right) where he can be in an assisted living temporarily while they figure out if he needs to be there more permanently.

Tomorrow will train shoulders (at least what I can) before I head over to where dad lives to visit him

Sunday is legs
Two rants…

A - Gym Idiots… I FUCKING hate them

B - healthcare in this country is so FUCKED! My dad had a stroke, the doctor at the hospital says he needs to be in a skilled stay at an assisted living facility for more rehab, the facility they want to send him to agrees, but the fucking doctor employed by his shitty as health insurance through *** disagrees, so according to them he’s healthy enough to go home and live on his own without issue and they’re not going to cover anything.

What the fuck does he pay for if they want to deny everything… fucking crooks.
Sorry bro. Maybe have to get an attorney involved there. Medical in US is a scam. People are brought up there so they think it’s normal and accept it. My mother would still be alive had doctors there not fucked up.
@Poppy i agree, and so does the attending doctor at the in patient wing of the hospital he’s in. Unfortunately his Medicare replacement does not. Now I really have to get on the ball with getting his VA Benefits, because his three initial shitty ass health coverage is clearly not concerned.

@TG , I wish that were an option, unfortunately it’s not monetarily feasible for me. I’m more of a “let’s find someone important, board their house up from the outside and watch it burn.” I could fix a lot of my problems with a little diesel and a match, probably why I’ve been deemed mentally unstable several times through my life.
Call the health insurance company and talk to someone. A lot of times its not a doctor that denies you. I used to have Cigna and they denied paying for everything. They will bullshit you to no end. It absolutely sucks and is time consuming but every once in awhile you’ll get a win. Keep trying and good luck.
Trying to get back on track …. Again…. Shoulders are all but gravel on gravel, neither one functions properly, but I have found that if I pre exhaust my chest with flyes and crossovers I can still get a decent workout in doing nothing but iso lateral dumbbell pressing movements with no less than 30 degrees off horizontal incline… half torn right bicep feels like it could go at any second, so I’m very touch and go with biceps exercises… legs feel great!

As far as life, I’m disgruntled. Dealing with all this shit for my dad is definitely taking a major toll on me. Dealing with the VA trying to get is DD214 has me close to pulling the little bit of hair I still have out of my head, it’s like pulling fucking teeth. He wants to move into assisted living, but he wants to visit EVERY place around town rather than just move into the REALLY nice one thats brand new and 5 min from my house. I’ve instructed my wife and our one daughter that will still talk to me that if I ever start to get like him, put a gun in my hand and point me towards the woods, and don’t come looking, send someone else