SB Labs

A day in the life of me

If someone would utilize their cheat meals 😂😂😂. Actually if you compare before and after pics you look totally different. Your body type isnt the type to throw on 20 pounds during a bulk. Plus that was more of a cut cycle. After we clean you out I’ll put you on a true bulk program. Keep water up when it’s hot like this. I’m in a hot factory this week and sweating my balls off. Usually I’m in comfortable conditions so it’s kicking my ass so I feel your pain bro.
Thanks for the kind words @PHD. I have been eating my cheat meals and smashing in as much as I can during the meal. I also make sure to move my eating schedule back on those days so I can fit in all 6 meals then eat my cheat meal.

My water intake has steadily been over 160oz minimum. I think since the Tren was still running and combined with 3 weeks in the garage I call Satans asshole now, I haven’t been able to stop sweating day or night. The last 2 nights I have had no night sweats and even had to cover up.

Last note, I’ve been busy AF and haven’t had a day off in 14 days now and I still have tomorrow and the weekend that I’ll be working as well so I’ll be rounding the clock to almost 3 weeks with no days off work. That said, I apologize to those that follow my thread as I haven’t had any workouts or updates posted in awhile
I’ve figured out that about 18 to 20 gulps is just about a liter. So instead of trying to keep up with small amounts of water, I just sip whenever I want to but every few hours I down a liter.
Hmmm I might have to try it that way, at my job k have 20oz cups and go by that, but sometimes I get so damn busy I don’t drink nothing for hours, next thing I know I’m trying to guzzle down 4 or 5 cups to catch up, I know that’s why I struggle with water in intake
That was my problem too. I’d keep my cooler in my truck but I’m not always at my truck. I get to working and get tunnel vision and just work. So I’ve made it a point to set certain times where I go drink 20 gulps then go back to work.
Shit what a week. Well I haven’t stopped the grind if that’s what you’re wondering. Still got my workouts in and haven’t missed a meal either. Including my cheat meal lol. Water weight is down and I’m down a few pounds as well from the heat and working basically every day for the last 2.5 weeks. I’ll try to be better about keeping the log up to date.

Updates sent to @PHD this morning. Time to add more food and go nuts. I’m down to the minimum on Test as well.

First the food porn. Cheat meal from last night was
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Thanks man. I’m still floating between 183 and 189 weekly and can’t keep a solid weight to save my life but I look good while my weight decides to work itself out I guess lol
Fuck yeah. This day is over. It was a rough one. I fell asleep like 3 times on the way home from work. Dangerous I know. Still got home smashed my pre-workout and my session. Those naps must have helped because I felt like an animal after the first lift.

2 warm ups on all lifts

Incline Press
Weighted Chin Ups
Tricep Presses
Barbell Curls
Standing Calf Raises

Heavy heavy heavy was the name of the game. Time for my post workout meal and ready to go to bed now.