SB Labs

Advice on traveling while on cycle

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I’m going on vacation for 2 weeks to the beach. We are driving now due to covid. I’m currently mid cycle while on tren mast test p and tbol. When traveling do you carry you ai and gear and if you do how do you go about it? Or should I drop the tren before I leave and start my cruise of test e now so it will kick in when I leave? Thanks for the help.
I would take what I need .is it a blend or separate bottles are you crossing a border? They are not gonna tear your car apart unless you get pulled over for something and look guilty I can’t see them wanting to search the car if you are a typical vacation family or do you look like you just murdered three people and hacked there bodies up in garbage bags and are dumping them in remote separate locations miles from each other in a stolen car
It’s a blend so one vial I’ll probably remove vial and put it with my wife’s blood thinners she is prescribed because she is pregnant. That way it just looks like that stuff.
I’m going on a trip to visit my hoMeland in week and half and steroids are the most legal thing I will be traveling with hahahA. I tend to not worry about these things though. I used to walk up to my building I lived across from main police station with bags of coke hanging out of my mouth
That’s I good idea for them put them in another bottle or buy some OTC vitamins or something and swap bottles I must be an a-hole I guess I do t worry about such things maybe through customs or border and airport security these days but a road trip. In the us I would just pack it with my shit there are laws or illegal search and seizure and your car is an extension of your home I would think you would have to act crazy or them get dogs and smell drugs but on the other hand cops could be crooked too but at that point they gonna get you anyway
Oh I agree. US road trip, I would just pack it normal. I’ve driving all over the southeast with gear just packed away in my backpack. Once I got the diabetic kit I keep everything in that anyway so it all works out.

I think you’re right. At a routine traffic stop you’d have to act a fool to end up getting popped for gear. Hell, everyone I personally know on the force is using gear too.
I just went away for a week I drove brought exactly what I need, oral thing counted out in weekly pill container, bottle a test two pins, then again my cycle is as simple as it’s gonna be so it wasn’t much. Or you could preload but if your running Shorts that’s a lot a pre loading
Label them all as Covid Droplets! No one will touch em, you’re a immunologist and bringing some work on vacation. Tough to get away with that job.
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Driving? Put that gear in your shave bag and go. Flying? I put all my stuff in a checked bag. No one looks in that domestic travel. Pills I put in a aspirin bottle in my carry on. International. I don’t cycle. It’s too hard to get through customs. 😁
I can honestly say I’ve never had my bag so much as sniffed at during international travel. Knock on wood. Or whatever superstition you prefer.

We were supposed to go to the Dominican for a long over due honeymoon, but covid made us reschedule to December. Now that I’ve opened my big fat mouth I’m sure I’ll have a problem with customs.
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