SB Labs

Advice on traveling while on cycle

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I wouldn’t stress, if you did get pulled over and law enforcement found it they would have to send it to a lab and test each product and try to figure out what it was Wich is time consuming and expensive and to my knowledge they’re Field test are only good for schedule 1 narcotics and are not admissable in court so as long as you don’t tell on yourself you should be alright. Now you might keester the syringes as those could be considered drug paraphernalia.
It would take months for them to test it if they decided to waste their time as they most likely have high profile cases that they only pursue as those resources are valuable. They have bigger fish to fry.
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I never cycle on vacation… I know I am going to eat too much. Drink too much. Maybe go to the gym (probably not) and sleep in. 😂
Yes I do. I have my doc give me a script for Fortesta. It’s in an applicator. Looks like a small shaving cream bottle drop that in my shave bag. I only do that for long vacations. If it’s for a week? I just pin before I go on vacation. I’m good for a week.
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