Ambition Diet and training log

Weight Tuesday morning - 228.8
Yesterday I hit a pull workout, was a little sore in my hamstrings from squats last week but all went pretty good. Deadlift felt really good with the wider stance.

135x5, 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5,365x6

Standing cable rear delt fly
15x25, 20x19, 20x17

Wide Pulldown
145x16, 165x13, 180x11

Cable row
145x14, 165x12, 175x10

Facepull cable
45x24, 45x23, 45x20, 45x20

Straight arm pushdown
55x15, 55x12, 55x10

Hammer curl
40x14, 45x11, 45x10, 40x10

DB curl
40x8, 35x10, 35x9, 35x8
Thanks bro, I just use the notepad on my phone to track everything I do. Then just copy paste. Makes it easy to increase weight over time.
Tuesday evening workout

Facepull single arm warm up
10x27, 15x21

Tricep pushdown warm up
30x30, 50x20

Incline BB press
135x5, 205x5, 225x5, 275x5, 295x4, 295x3

Machine press
150x12, 170x10, 190x8

Cable chest fly
65x12, 65x12, 65x11

Rear delt fly machine 15 second breaks
150x20, 160x15, 170x11

Behind back cable lat raise
25x20, 30x15, 35x11

Cable cross lateral raise
20x20, 25x14, 25x11, 20x12

Overhead tricep extension
85x15, 100x11, 110x9

Tricep pushdown
90x11, 90x10, 95x8

BW Dips
17, 14, 13

Lateral raise high to low no rest 10x
60-20lb DB

Weight this morning - 228.6