Anyone keep antibiotics on hand?

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Topic says it. Just curious if any of you guys keep antibiotics on hand. Recently had a brutal sinus infection. I get them every couple years. Such a fuckin hassle to go beg for antibiotics. Seems like there was a shift years ago, they used to give them out like candy. Now it’s last resort. They usually make me suffer for like 7-10 days and when it doesn’t clear they’ll prescribe. Was thinking of getting some myself. Wouldn’t abuse them but I think they’d be good to have around.
I am about to for trich cause I’ve had two issues where dick was useless for weeks cause of it that I’ll have on hand if I notice symptoms. Also I want to go to nurse and yell at her for sawing at my dick with cotton swab. Twice I’ve been told I have herpes and twice the test show nothing
Lolol @Dirtnasty i got the clap once and had just moved to a new state so they made me fast and do a physical prior to being seen. I guess they didn’t communicate whatever medicine they gave me for the clap it was a powder and then an intramuscular injection in the ass which I guess drops blood sugar quite a bit. I was fasted. Passed out and fell with my pants down. Woke up to the nurse feeding me sprite through a straw telling me to start wearing condoms
I may use them now that I’m single I won’t be happy but if the chick tells me to put one on I will
You can get them at my local feed store,they are packaged and dosed for humans but advertised for fish and say not for human consumption. But there’s different antibiotics for different things is my understanding,I’m no medical professional.
Dmomuchole said:
But there’s different antibiotics for different things is my understanding,I’m no medical professional.
You’re absolutely correct. Keeping antibiotics on hand unless you know what you got going on, most common bacteria for type of infection, or you got a culture you are probably going to take the wrong antibiotic and fuck up your GI tract for no reason.
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