SB Labs

Back in the gym LOG TRAIN

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Work out
flat chest press
Hand stand 15 20 sec holds
Jump rope
Holding on the pull up bar
Chest press
Jump rope
Pull-ups 10
Pull up chin hold 20
Under the bar head to bar holds 20
Kettle bell toe touches 20’eav side
Hands under butt leg lift
Chest press decline
Hand stand holds
Jump rope
Chin ups
Into chin up holds
Cable extension for tries
Leg lifts holding on bar
Jump rope
decline chest 10 reps hoLd 5 sec each rep
Lateral raises
Weighted pull ups 10 max then holds 10!seco
Standing ab roller
Hammer curl, lateral curl, and inside hammer curl all 3 till I figure I did enough
Peck deck
Shoulder raises
Weighted pull ups with kettlebell
20 side dips

Curl hammer inside hammer and prognated

Ab wheel
Incline bench
Jump rope
Hand stand
Weighted pull ups into holds
Lying TRICEP extension
Incline chest press
Hand stand
Weighted pull ups with hold at the end
Arm curls 3 positions
Weighted pull ups at the end

Finished I may have missed something but that is today’s work out
You know I can complain man but nobody cares about that presently speaking almost caught a gator to eat stupid guy was catching the bus route off the hook little guy to eat your ankles ask the locals how they cook that gator around they told me from the tail down lol didn’t have a big enough hook the real that sucker up other than that stick anymore than my man got a hole in the ceiling from the second floor right now had a pipe burst got the pipes fixed trying to figure out how I’m going to work and take out the drywall put another one
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