Best exercise s for big triceps

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Feel my arms are always lagging behind. My back and chest are big and legs are big. My brothers the opposite, his arms are big but pefs back and chest are smaller

Dips? Supinated pull ups? My biceps are good size just the triceps are lagging a bit
When you’re young I’d say skull crushers and narrow grip bench press followed by v-bar push downs. As you get old the elbows can’t handle the stress of skull crushers. I still do them but only 50Lbs, and my elbows pay the price.
I also have dense foam blocks i use either under my tshirt or bungee them to me to limit the range of motion on the cg bench. These save elbows and shoulders.
I’d stay away from skull crushers or anything that puts that kind of stress on your elbows. There’s no inherent benefit when cables are available.
I will also add that close grip as defined is pointer fingers/thumbs on the smooth part of bar. Anything narrower can put put undue stress on your wrists. Shoulder width maybe a bit narrower is the general rule of thumb. Your shoulders will thank you too.
Reverse grip flat bench. Hands body width apart. Go up a little more than 3/4 of the way. Come down just a few inches shy of your chest. Repeat. 21s next tricep push down 7 tricep pull downs 7. Kick backs 7. Repeat. 😁
Solid vid,

Can I attack the arms every other day? Arms, rest, arms?

I also do jiu jitsu so I don’t go heavy on squats or deadlifts . Only controlled reps so I’m not burnt when I’m grappling
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I wouldn’t. Arms are a very small muscle. They would never recover. My arms grew when I started doing less
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