Bloating.. having real bad gas and bloating lately

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How much sodium is in your diet drinks and food?

Where is your estrogen at?

What are you eating because gas is extremely common amongst us guys that eat and lift.
How bad is it?
I’ll have to check it out! I’ve been literally farting non stop all day everyday for the last week or so. And my girlfriend is at her limits with me shutting my pants non stop 🤣
It could be a couple things start looking at your diet then see what your blood work says if everything is normal than its what @Poppy said relyve or whatever lol
Xpliot said:
chicken, tuna, eggs, broccoli, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, bacon,
Oh hell yeah and bacon boom right there that’s the problem right there brother 90% sure thats the bloat nothing processed. That shit is a carcinogen now lol the gas is everything else brother im the same they have good gas pills.
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If you use it for flavor a bit isn’t bad maybe a small blt but eating bacon heavy is so much sodium and your body will hold all of that brother
I eat it everyday and my sodium
Is still always low. I’m going to drink salt water before next bliss’s to see if I can get in regular range. It makes no sense to me
Do you have any known food allergies? Have you added in something you don’t normally eat? You can try some food elimination and see what happens. Typically the most common are,
Also you can have some labs drawn that check for food allergies
Salt and whats pumped into bacon are different things brother your taking in a nessaccery electrolyte. The bacon is a whole different thing its like eating roman not the same salt.

If you eat bacon everyday you definitely shouldn’t its not like it used to be
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