SB Labs

Bodybuilding - basics about shows


Good Evening UG!

While I know we have an area specifically for bodybuilding it seems all but dead.

I’ve always been interested in doing a show (next year if I do one it will be my first), its always fascinated me! Here’s my question, is there anywhere I can go to read about what all is involved and all the different classes?(Ive googled and not finding what I am looking for).

I am also curious about the posings, i seem to be finding their are typically two different pose downs, one as a free style and the other as the specific forms in a specific order - is that in all shows or only some?
Well free posing or a pose down is usually in the overall between open class winners. There are bodybuilding poses - quarter turns and mandatories. Classic physique is different from bodybuilding but close in poses. Men’s physique well I have no clue I don’t waste my time watching them lol.

Posing is an art and takes lots of practice. Search YouTube there are plenty of videos on posing. Nick Tragili just posted one a few months back. I’m actually working with an ifbb pro bodybuilder on my poses. I’ve competed for years and can always improve so I use him to critique and make me present myself better on stage.

There is a lot to competing.