SB Labs

Breakfast club MFers

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Good morning breakfast club mfers as @NeuroRN says.

Today gonna do push day and if time allows start throwing in some legs. Been a month now since I started working and my legs and feet starting to adjust. So am gonna get legs incorporated back into workouts slowly. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll have back to

Breakfast today eggs and morning star vegetable sausages. They taste like shit but wanna keep
Plant proteins mixed in with my other protein
A concoction mixed up in a big bowl and dished out in individual little tupperwares.

Oatmeal, cream cheese, greek yogurt, chia seeds, honey, coconut milk maybe other things… wifey makes it.

It sets in the fridge after being portioned up. I eat 3/4 cup every morning. It’s very good and a diabetic friendly meal.

You can put fruit in it. Pineapple is my fav. I don’t anymore. Trying to cut out the sugars. Figured fruit and honey was too much. I was right. My a1c started dropping… not just because of that, but that helped.
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Waffles are delicious. We have them for supper. Not nearly as loaded up with carbs as I thought. I eat 1 &1/2 - 2 per meal.
For some strange reason I’ve become addicted to it. I guess the honey… sometimes i go weeks where that is the only “sweet stuff” i get all day. I went months in the past with scrambled eggs and rice for breakfast. Portion them out on Sunday and eat all week. Now I can’t shake the oatmeal. It’s been almost 8 years now.
Dry buddy… it’ll soften up overnight. You can make it thick or “less thick” depending on the coconut milk.
Since age of 52 when i was officially a diabetic. My wife went on a diabetic friendly rampage and that was one of the things she came across. Some stuff didn’t make sense others did.

I was on scrambled eggs and rice on and off for years. Hahaha I’m a creature of habit big time.
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