Ehhhhhh I don’t know. To be honest I don’t think we know anything for real still. All reports seem to conflict themselves.
I don’t know if men are affected more. We have been pretty equally split. I think just continue business as usual… it difficult breathing occurs and last more than 5-6 min, don’t push through just go to the ED, and tell them you are covid positive and can’t breathe.
That’s the wrong covid brother covid-19 actually means covid virus 2019 this is an older version that is what they were calling sars back then but lets hope that it isn’t the same in the 2019 covid or China Virus.
Imagine if the vaccine would then be something that someone taking testosterone could do damage to I heard it from the top doc today that the first shot is going to get people a little sick then the second will be honestly worse but also only the maderna vaccine actually makes it so you won’t spread the disease A-symptomatic
@Rusty that’s some crazy information even if it isn’t for covid 19
I actually heard the other day on a covid special that they believe now it wasn’t bats that started covid 19 they believe it was a pangodon I definitely spelled that wrong but Chinese people poach them from Africa for there scales to make medicine BS
This little armadillo looking things all supposedly carry it but don’t get sick from it
So much crazy stuff and I never know whats actually real or fake
I know im so confused reading that info because I don’t really understand SARS and then sarscov2
I believe that there the same from 2002 but it doesn’t seem to be the same maybe a mutation
Well I didn’t take my injection today cause I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. This sucks. My head is sweaty and my feet are cold. I am really shaky I feel like I’m have withdrawals. My muscles cramp easy. I am taking lots of fluids and electrolytes. Hopefully this is only a two day thing.
COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that causes mild to severe cases. Here’s a quick guide on how to spot symptoms, risk factors, prevent spread of the disease, and find out what to do if you think you have it.
Not yet brother to post links it takes along time especially now because of spammers. You guys don’t see any spammers anymore because of the protocols that we have in place to prevent it and because of spammers its going to take awhile for anyone who hasn’t been here forever to be able to post links.
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