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Covid and Testosterone

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Haha no cause I’m cooking today. Mama is getting her ass kicked bu Covid right now. She did ask if I could add more salt and they are the perfect amount of salt. Lol @NeuroRN. If your avatar doesn’t show up I’m the corner do I have to put your name so you get notifications
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Haha atta boy. Ummmmmm I don’t know? It’s your thread… so I think you get notifications.
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I’ve been out of nursing for a couple of years (long story) but follow a lot of what is going on and I think there is a lot of misinfo or just plain fear porn. Remember when we actually got fitted for N-95 (duckies) and they had to be thrown in the biohazard bag? Not to go non-sequitor (prone to do that) being on a cycle should not cause any problems. It’s not supressing immune function but PCT should be a must especially if one is in a colder climate. I’m big on using colloidal silver when touching handles, bars, etc and my nose runs like a faucet when doing anything strenuous. I’ve been on HRT since 2013 and just said f-it I’m not jumping thru hoops anymore. I run my own. Just supplement for health (Beta Glucan, Zinc, Vit-C (ester-C is best), D3,multis, & whatever else).
I do remember getting fitted for n95. We’ve been fitted for multiple since this all started. No one is doubting the misinformation or fear porn, that part is real… but so are the patients we’ve had die every weekend for the last 4 months and there’s nothing we can do to make them oxygenate or perfuse appropriately.

Thanks for jumping in, throw up and actual introduction so we can get to know you.
Still alive. As for me the flu is worse at least so far. Wife had a little struggle breathing last night so gave her a steam bath then she felt better also got a pulse ox so I know what I am dealing with. Her O2 has been good since last night. 98. I can see how this affects everyone differently in my house son coughed twice and was good. I feel like shit but not as bad as the flu. The wife getting ass kicked. Three very different responses. When our house gets the flu everyone gets their ass kicked same response.

What do you think about taking NPP and Covid. Especially with what it says about the lungs??? @NeuroRN
If you were really sick with covid I’d say go to trt and stay off everything else.

Sepsis is going to cellularly wreak havoc anyway. Presence of nandrolone or not… septic shock is one of the number one causes of death in the US.

I think this study and general covid is apples and oranges.
If I get covid I’m just
Going to throw everything in me at once to tuck that virus up. Tren aint no pussy it’ll see covid talking shit and take it out or I would just cruise again
Yessir! I still think your best bet is just going to trt any way. You’re not gonna lift through covid anyway.
Very true. I am thinking about the immune boost or was I reading it backwards. Hard to understand those studies. Also what about hgh? Would
That help with the immune system. Or would the water retention be a bad thing.
Woke up
This morning feeling better for first time got a good sleep. Not 100 percent but hopefully it’s a sign my body has figured out how to fight this thing. Wife doing a little better also
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