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COVID exposure and I’m not happy

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Yup, and her second day today got cancelled we gettin some snow n ice
Yeah half days just don’t sound right. Ours was either mon tues or thurs fri depending on what group you’re in. Full time now! Woohoo
Yea brotha our restaurant shut down for 2 weeks, 3 people ended up testing positive. I asked all 3 individuals and everyone had different symptoms, the only symptoms all 3 had were they felt very lethargic and loss of taste and smell. What was interesting was not one person had a fever, which is odd because around here at least before you can go into a gym, barbershop, spa and so on the first thing they do is check your temperature. Even at my restaurant we do a temp check before we can clock in.
I had it back in May. One day I felt bad. 100 degree fever. Felt tired a few days afterwards. Lost the ability to taste citrus, orange juice. Line, lemons etc. but about 3 weeks went by and it came back. Couldn’t smell coffee. But that came back too. If your healthy, it’s kinda like a low grade flu feeling. That’s about it. Got it on a Thursday. I was back in my prison gym Monday afternoon. 😉
@TBU ok copy all. I’m glad that’s as bad as it got for you. Just lost a buddy…early 50s. Retired gunny. Pneumonia/covid. He wasn’t exactly “healthy”.
Unfortunately for my daughter, right now family time is cleaning out fire place and bringing in more wood
Ha ha I’m on here a lot to,it’s way easier to talk to people over the internet for someone like me then in real person.
You know, us retired guys at 20-25 years on average only live 20 years past retirement. That’s no joke. I’m hitting my 20 next year… 😳. If you retire after 30. The avg is 10 years. That was what I was told on my retirement classes. Sorry to hear about your buddy. I get a magazine from the Corps every 2 months. Has all the retirees that passed. It’s funny how I look through the list of names and think. They were pretty spot on for those dates. I show my wife steps she needs to complete when I die to stop my pay and benefits. She gets pissed at me. But got to keep her on check.
@TBU interesting subject. I wonder if those stats were a complete total or if post retirement employment plays a factor in longevity? With my current and past employment, i work closely with the marines and retired marines and i know it can be a real pressure cooker.

Take care of yourself brother…we need you around for a long time.
I had it only symptoms were loss of taste and smell. I actually enjoyed it as it was a perfect time to down hard alcohol without gagging. Interestingly enough my girlfriend didn’t even get it despite us being on top of each other constantly.
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