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COVID exposure and I’m not happy

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Its really hard to plan for death. I have trouble dealing with it before it happens.
I think that you still have years left brother you seem to be in good shape.
We need you at ugmuscle anyways so your not allowed to die lol
I wasn’t thinkin shanked, but not 300 yds either, more like a claymore, watching from a small distance,with a gun to make sure everything went accordingly, that’s a ambush
And we barely got to use them, they weren’t kosher in most situations, hence my interest in them.
IDK. I just think between stress, environment, exposure and most people not taking care of themselves while un has an impact. Also living on stress day to day takes a major toll on the body.
I don’t plan on it anytime soon. But I am good with dying. I don’t fear death. I just fear my wife and kids being without me. But they are all strong. And really don’t need their pops for protection anymore. My wife tho. She would be a wreck. 😒
I’ve been shot at. Mortared. Rocket attacked. And IED’d but never hit. Personally I don’t want to either. That shit looks painful and long recovery. 😉
It never ceases to amaze me at how stupid some people can be. I had guys earlier this year calling in and saying they had fevers and felt flu like symptoms but still wanted to come to work… I had one kid who is an apprentice that did come to work after knowingly being exposed to his girlfriend who was COVID positive… part of me wants to grab these people by the throat and say “how fucking stupid are you” and another part of me sits back and thinks, “gee, maybe the people who wrote the movie idiocracy we’re onto something??”
That makes two of us, and the IEDS are a mind fuck you never know when your gonna walk by one on patrol
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