SB Labs

Covid test I had and what to do afterwards

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Staff member
Military Vet
So just had a test, I have a small surgery Thursday so they made me take a test,I have to go to a nephew’s bday party later, so nothin to do for awhile, so takin the wife n kid shooting,it good for the mind and soul,it centers me,for a little bit anyways…only gonna bring my kids ruger 10-22, the 12 ga,and the 30-30,I’m excited.
So what your saying, is everyone else that uses it plays dumb? Funny about the pool thing is ,I just got done shooting and my friend also has a nice inground, and my kid and I hopped in,its hot today, 91, but that pool is FUCKIN cold, 67
Funny how that works…same here except we have a pool cleaning robot. Got to scrub occasionally
Yep! They are always too busy to help. So this week they will both have a day they are assigned to clean it. Damn kids. My pool is 86 right now. Had the heater on all day
Well I’m lazy to, havent lifted since,Thursday
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I’ll shit the heater of once’s it stays In the 80’s. I drag a solar cover on at night. If it gets into the 90’s I drain some water and drop the hose in it
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